Obama and the Dems: sling shot v. the club

By: Bill Whaley
7 November, 2012

David slew Goliath—if you catch my drift—last night, Nov. 6, 2012, as Barack Obama overcame a deluge of money thrown around by billionaires and mega corporations. A coalition of middle class liberals, young people, the working class, and a growing minority of off-white Americans beat back the politics of tax cuts for the wealthy and reactionary privileges for bigots, who supported the historic status quo of class and money.

The white guys, historically in charge, have been told, “the times they are a’ changing.” The number of women elected to the U.S. Senate bodes well for the future as our Washington representatives will be forced—sooner or later—to work with their colleagues across the aisle. Throughout the states promoters of gay rights and therapeutic marijuana use continue to make progress–despite superstitious deniers.

Contrary to claims made by fringe republicans about rape as God’s design, God tested his servant Barack and found him steady and devoted. The President bailed out the car companies and extended a hand to the victims of Hurricane Sandy, instilling hope and supporting the victims of the Frankenstorm by using the power of the federal government in real and symbolic ways. (You might remember the way God tested his servant Moses!) Even Jersey’s scrappy Rep.  Gov. Chris Christie recanted and was subsequently rewarded with an introduction to his favorite resident, Bruce Springsteen, by the President of all the people, who visited the shore decimated by Sandy.

The attempt to suppress the vote in states like Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania appeared to anger citizens, who reacted stubbornly and spent long hours in long lines in an effort to preserve the franchise—the right to vote, a right sanctified historically by the blood of soldiers and the toil of civil rights workers. Across the country new Hispanic voters were pictured voting, working at the polls, using their places of business as precincts. As Giants pitcher Sergio Romo says, “I just look illegal.”

Voters rejected the class warfare unleashed by reactionaries on the U.S. Supreme Court, who transformed a financial instrument—the corporation—into a “person” –a decision in the Citizens United case that defies common sense or creative design and evolutionary science combined. In short, the Republicans are sadly out of step with the majority in the present and are ignoring the incoming tide.

Can you say “climate deniers?”

In Taos the democrats rule, of course. Local races were decided in the primaries back in June–though a couple of plucky republicans threw their hats into the ring. A number of Taosenos who made reservations with bus companies for exploratory trips to Canada have cancelled their plans and plan to hang in with the rest of us. The KCEC Broadband project appears safe now that Obama has been re-elected. New Mexicans in general and Taosenos in particular know how to pick the pockets of the state and federal government–transfer wealth from the out-of-towners–to the local gente aqui en Taos. Talk about an updated version of “The Hole in the Wall Gang.”

As far as we know the sign man, who supported two winning candidates in the only competitive local races, might be building a machine and could turn the tables on the Town’s political establishment. Local voters are looking not for a fresh face but for a tried and true reformer. If he runs for Mayor, the protester might get twice as many votes as he did the last time and play the spoiler. In today’s political landscape, as the presidential election showed, the independents get all the attention—even if they don’t win general elections–except in Maine and Vermont.

Full Disclosure. First the Giants win the World Series, now Barack Obama wins the presidential election. David slew Detroit, the Yankee killers, and Obama slew the Supreme Court, home of the Billionaires. As 2012 winds down, both the economic and political signs seem marginally hopeful. And survivors in Taos know how to read the signs…even if it’s just a sign about the reduced cost of gas and beer.