Paving the Plaza or Not?

By: Bill Whaley
2 October, 2015

According to a press release from the Town of Taos, upon approval next week by the Mayor and Council, a $500,000-paving project will begin in the historic district. The press release states the following, “If East and North Plaza are paved, they also will need to be closed during that phase of work. Work on the Plaza will be phased to allow through traffic and parking to continue on at least two sides of the Plaza at all times. Active and passive traffic control measures will be installed and maintained daily.” Notice the big “If” or use of a weasel word to give the Town Manager and Mayor a way out.

According to the proposed contract with Cutler Paving, the Plaza is not included on the map, attached to the contract, except for what the bureaucrats are calling “South Plaza Road,” the unnamed road in front of the U.S. Bank, across from the Hotel La Fonda parking lot. The map attached to the contract is on page 91.

Why would the Mayor hold a town meeting to discuss paving the Plaza (at which only one Plaza merchant appeared) then pull the project at the last minute? Something’s not right here. By not paving the Plaza, one can imagine that more decay fits in with the idea of closing the Plaza to vehicular traffic, one of Councilor Fritz Hahn’s goals. Or maybe the Mayor and Manager are punishing Plaza merchants for their resistance to Town Hall fiats.

We hope the Town Councilors wake up and smell the asphalt. According to Friction folks, Bellis and the party girl have found a home among the Don Carlos Lounge Lizards for post work-a-day relaxation. The Shadow knows.

P.S. In county news, more like rumors, we hear HR has hired an investigator to check on doings in the Sheriff’s department. Six officers have quit, been terminated, or otherwise moved on we hear since May, more or less.