El Mitote: Cover-up Policy Crumbles as Town Pays Hush Money

By: Bill Whaley
5 December, 2015

Breaking News

watch-our-tv-ads-MOD1Taos Friction has referred to the so-called policy of the Bellis-Barrone administration to disregard the errors of current and former employees and elected officials, who might have sinned against the “procurement” code as long as “you” don’t do it anymore. Barrone has said as much in public meetings as has Councilor Hahn to his own supporters in private meetings.

The Chicano Chamber of El Prado has, in particular, protested against this cover-up because its members originally supported the election of Cantu, Hahn, and Barrone in hopes of “correcting” the “dishonest” policies at Town Hall, which have cost taxpayers millions, due to violations of the “procurement code.”

For some time Taos Friction has referred to documents in its possession obtained from a former purchasing agent, who was fired for making known “procurement code violations” by a variety of department heads and elected officials under the previous Cordova administration. After the election of the above-mentioned politicos in March of 2014, the young man made known the “violations” to some elected officials. Subsequently, allegedly, the Department head at Finance and the still Town Manager, Oscar Rodriquez fired the so-called whistle-blower.

Now, Taos Friction has obtained a “Release and Settlement Agreement” between the Town and the former purchasing agent, which states that “The Town of Taos will pay the sum of forty thousand two hundred eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($40,287.50) to (he is named but the editor is withholding it until we talk to his attorney) and attorney’s fees in the amount of fourteen thousand seven hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents ($14,712.50) to (attorney’s name withheld by editor) in full settlement of all claims and demands…”

Further “the Town of Taos agrees to permit (name withheld) to retroactively resign his position by replacing his letter of termination with a letter of resignation effective March 12, 2014 (the day of termination).” And “The Town agrees to give a neutral reference.”

Here’s the kicker: As far as can be determined the “purchasing agent” never filed a lawsuit. Further, the agreement was signed on June 8, 2015. According to Friction’s understanding the claims made by the “purchasing agent” are reflected in his 21 page affidavit, of which Friction has a copy. The document names the “violators” and includes some of the more prominent members of the Barrone and Cordova administration as well as administrations previous to Cordova, including current elected officials. In other words “the purchasing agent” frightened the Town into a settlement due to his thorough documentation and recordings of the violations.

Apparently, though we are waiting to acquire the written testimony of the “purchasing agent,” the claims came to light during a deposition and is backed-up by audio evidence, recorded by the agent. Friction reminds readers that New Mexico falls under the “one-party consent rule.” If one party gives himself or herself permission to record a conversation it is unnecessary to inform the other party.

As students of history will remember, the “cover-up” is often worse than the crime. See Richard Nixon, “Watergate,” Ronald Reagan, “Iran-Contra,” and Bush/Blair, “Iraq and WMD” or locally, Luis Reyes, a variety of claims at KCEC.

Taos Friction spoke to a Town Councilor who knows nothing about this settlement. Earlier another Councilor admitted knowing nothing about the eventual dispensation of the “Purchasing Agent’s” case.

As far as the future, if I were a department head or one of those named in the “Purchasing Agent’s affidavit” I might think about resigning or looking for work elsewhere. Currently, a number of lawsuits have been filed against this administration for “wrongful termination.” We’re waiting for the courts or attorneys to settle matters.

But as my alter go Chaucer Henderson always said, “If we can’t try them in court, we’ll try them in the press.”

More El Mitote

Our sources, news stories and internal public documents, etc., from Silver City say Cindy Spray will be the new fulltime director of the  City’s Arts and Culture District and must live there. Ms. Spray has told Taos Friction that she’s merely a “consultant” and will only be away from Taos one week a month. We don’t how the Bellis-Barrone team will function without her whispering sweet nothings in the ears of town officials. We believe she wants to run for office and join the elected officials as no. 1. progenitor of “gentrification,” meaning “close the Plaza and get rid of many current merchants.

According to our sources KCEC CEO Luis Reyes has reassured Trustees that protesters will not reach critical mass to cause a PRC rate hearing. Last time in the 2010 debacle there were hundreds of protesters and Reyes only qualified 6. But he was overridden by public demand. We also hear KCEC cancelled their advertising or at least until Chris Baker can muzzle reporter J.R. Logan. We don’t think 25 protests is an insurmountable number, given who is behind the drive to get more signatures. (And the “Shadow” has heard more news about the ex-Land Commissioner employee.)

On Friday, Dec. 11, District Judge Sara Backus, who used to work for the Town of Taos, and collected $30,000 in a sexual harassment case as a Town employee, will hear motions for “summary judgment” from both sides in a “wrongful-termination” case involving the Town and a former employee. We don’t know why Backus has not recused herself or been excused by the attorneys but given the ambiguous ethics of folks sitting the bench of the 8th Judicial District, we’re not surprised.

It seems like Santa Clause is bringing the “cover-up” artists a sack full of trouble this Christmas, trouble which could affect both elected and appointed officials, current and prior, involving the Coop, Town, and, incidentally the County. One of the Commissioners should be nervous indeed. To trope on Shakespeare, “Crime will out” in El Norte where history never sleeps. Photo ops on the Plaza by the Mayor or voting to support Airports and Hospitals is no substitute for honest government.

Friction is eating candy canes for breakfast this Holiday Season.