Astrologess Update

By: Johnny
22 September, 2010

Back by popular demand, here’s the weekly Astrologess Update.

Astrologess Weekly Update Sep 20 – 26, 2010
By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at
Monday 09/20 – The day gets off to a sleepy start as the Moon conjuncts spacey Neptune (7:09 AM). Don’t expect people to be on time this morning, or awake.
The Moon enters Pisces at 2:15 PM.
Tonight a Moon/Mars trine (10:45 PM) has folks up late and full of energy, making up for the morning’s slow start.

Tuesday 09/21 – The Sun unleashes all the crazy energy of Jupiter and Uranus today when it opposes Jupiter (5:36 AM) and Uranus (10:59 AM). This can be wild and wonderful or edgy and unpredictable. Expect the unexpected. This will not be business as usual. Some people are making big changes under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus, pushing to remodel their lives into a truer reflection of who they really are, striving to make a cherished dream come true. Jupiter/Uranus invites us to live large. Step into your bigger self.

Wednesday 09/22 – Today is the first day of fall. It’s the Equinox, marked by the moment when the Sun enters Libra at 9:09 PM tonight. This should be a magical night. The Moon conjuncts Jupiter (11:05 PM) and Uranus (11:52 PM), so this is a night to howl. Enhancing all of Jupiter/Uranus’ wild energy, is the Moon racing toward Full at 3:17 AM Thursday morning. All this emphasis on Jupiter/Uranus gives us the opportunity to break stagnant old molds and step into a new, larger reality.

Thursday 09/23 – The last few days have been amazing, almost dreamlike, the peak days of a beautiful fall, cresting in last night’s Full Moon in 0 degrees of Aries (3:17 AM). Now, this morning is like a bad hangover. The Moon’s aspects highlight the dark side of recent changes, showing us what’s not working. A Moon/Pluto square (8:25 AM) makes this a cranky morning. A sensitive, emotional mood turns into depression as we head toward this afternoon’s Moon/Saturn opposition (4:41 PM). Exhaustion may be part of it, so don’t push yourself, take a time out. At moments like this thinking of others helps us keep our own problems in perspective.

Friday 09/24 – There are no aspects today though the power of this week’s alignments should give us plenty of energy to work with.

Saturday 09/25 – It’s a quiet morning (Moon sextile Neptune at 7:12 AM), easing us gently into the weekend.
The Moon enters Taurus at 2:17 PM.
Today’s Sun square Pluto (6:24 PM) puts the focus on Thursday’s issues and conflicts, possibly concerning someone’s blatant power trip. At its worst, this aspect can bring out very dominating, extreme, cruel behavior.

Sunday 09/26 – The Taurus Moon opposes Mars (5:27 AM) and Venus (11:25 AM) making this a very passionate, sensual morning. This can be lovey-dovey or, if people are not getting their needs met, quite stormy and angry. For best results, pay attention to your partner.

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