Sanders Campaign Opens Taos Office

By: Contributor
17 April, 2016

(Editor’s Note) Despite a conspiracy by outlaw Sanders supporters, who, thanks to a  corporate CEO, and the Town of Taos coppers, tried to quash public rallies, enthusiasts have revived Sanders’ lagging campaign in Taos. When the “Sign Man” steps in as patron, the Bernie people pay attention.


image1Taos for Bernie Campaign Update


The Taos for Bernie group is hosting a grand opening of their office on Sunday at 1pm at 729 B Paseo del Pueblo Sur. The “sign man,” has done the footwork to secure and insure an office that will be “staffed,” with local volunteers. Over the last 8 months locals have hosted debate watch parties, phone banks, and meetings. Now this office hopes to be the main hub for organizing canvassing and phone banking.

The local Democratic Party chair is seemingly unavailable when it comes to sharing local Taos for Bernie events, as is the local newspaper, in reporting them. That has been the way it is for a candidate that started polling at 4% this time last year. The local and national corporate media and party leadership have had egg on their face for awhile now, and must concede, “this guy could win.” We are inviting any local and statewide democratic candidates to share their campaign materiel at the office too.

This past Saturday had two phone banks in Taos churning out calls to New York. As people observe the election on pins and needles, we continue to Feel the Bern. The campaign shot for 15,000 volunteers making 2 million calls to New York this weekend and we’re proud to have had local volunteers be part of this effort.

The Sandernistas, a splinter group, who revile your author, had the “sign man,” arrested in December at KCEC for trespassing during their debate watch party. They may be wishing they hadn’t by now. Ignorance, baiting, and monkey wrenching will not be tolerated at the office as we espouse the inclusiveness that has been a major plank in Bernie’s platform. We are seeking donations for rent and printing as well as office furniture, but most of all, your time. The office is small, so we don’t need much.

Here’s a local piece including videos of what’s happening locally and in the state for Bernie. At the bottom of the embedded article is a link to the local facebook page where local events are posted, as well as the latest national (recently international -Vatican visit) news from the campaign trail.

Yours truly,
Subcomandante Sandernista &
Davideo Cortometraje