Kit Carson Rates Go Up; Trustees Go Down

By: Bill Whaley
6 December, 2016

VirgilThanks to peripatetic El Norte Journalist, Andy Stiny, who covers all things creative and unusual, the controversial street fight at the Kit Carson arena on Cruz Alta Street in Taos continues to furnish avid readers with the “news that never stops.” The one-sided grab and go fisticufffs among middleweights, ended with Trustee Virgil Martinez of Cerro, above,  the loser by a TKO to a younger, fitter, stronger Trustee, the challenger, one Chris Duran, son of Felix, we’re told.

But Stiny’s news story in today’s Journal North, revealed other tidbits. Contrary to Taos Friction’s skeptical attitude, the Coop did furnish the Taos Police Department with a “really, really blurry” video, according to Officer Maggio of the town, quoted by Stiny in Journal North. Maggio told Stiny he’s seeking counsel from the town attorney before proceeding with a filed police report about the brouhaha at KCEC HQ. What attorney? The Town fired theirs.

KCEC also issued a press release re: Monday’s emergency meeting called to address Rodarte’s “No Mas” Duran v. Cerro’s “Mad Dog” Martinez. The tempers of the two trustees boiled over as they discussed “financial” and “personnel” matters what with insults aimed at  ancestors, history, work habits, etc. quien sabe? One Trustee, according to an email, “Anglo Bob” Bresnahan, the CEO’s public relations solar man, claimed the Cerro “Mad Dog” Martinez said he was going to kill Rodarte’s “No Mas” Duran.

Regardless KCEC’s CEO Reyes issued a press release saying they were going to wait for completion of the police report before acting. KCEC may have a “board policy,” a fungible policy, given a majority can change the policy at anytime re: conduct. Sure Luis has 10 of 11 board members in his pocket. But, the board policy does not trump KCEC by-laws or state law or federal law. And when federal dollars are involved, can the FBI be far behind?

For any issue at the Coop involving “financial matters” and/or “personnel” involves federal dollars. The Trustees are playing with fire given the “really really blurry” video of “No Mas” v. “Mad Dog.”

By the way “No Mas” recalls Roberto “NO Mas” Duran and “Mad Dog” refers to “Mad Dog” Mattis, Trump’s only reputable and potential appointee, a four-star General of the U.S. Marines. Like the General, Virgil tends to tell it like it is. That’s why he voted against the rate increase.

Is Bresnahan, who claimed in an email that Virgil said, “I’m going to kill him” or something, a reliable source?  Virgil spoke in Spanish so “Anglo Bob” was “re-tweeting” hearsay, like the colorful security advisor Trumpet Mike Flynn of Flynn’s facts in D.C.

Second, In El Norte verbal threats to life and limb are as common as dirt and so what?


History did not begin when “Anglo Bob” joined the Board of Trustees. Given the vituperative style of the President-elect, I hardly think a few outbursts constitute a threat to a trustee or the Coop itself. After all, “Parking Lot” Medina used to challenge Virgil from time to time just as an anonymous  CEO once threatened and tried to beat up cops at the Taos PD. Maggio could easily address the culture of KCEC violence by questioning Officer David Trujillo and checking the files. If Taos PD lost their copies of the report, I’m happy to share mine. The anonymous CEO also lost in a TKO and looked a bit like the victim above on the day after. (Taosenos never forget.)


The real threat to community concerns the Trustees, who have hi-jacked the Coop for per diem fees, travel expenses, the CEO’s salary and the CEO’s ego trip into diversification, a way of creating not profits but debt. Further the threat concerns Taosenos, as individuals, as business owners, and as responsible community leaders of local government and taxpayers. At the PRC rate hearings on Wednesday in Santa Fe. the KCEC rate request is No. 6 on the agenda. But you should be there at 9 am. The PRC has a habit of rubber-stamping Coop requests.

The interveners have notified the PRC that they should provide “security” given the volatile tempers of the Trustees.

By the time Taos Police Department gets round to the “really, really blurry” video, the new and old champs will be lawyered up just like KCEC at the PRC hearings.

BTW: we want to congratulate The Taos News on pulling a full-page ad out of the Coop for the Xmas issue and acting as KCEC’s p.r. agent. All’s well that ends well, eh Mr. “Babbit” ? (Read the book by Sinclair Lewis). Well, you can thank the KCEC members for footing the bill and adding to the bottom line of The Taos News.

While The Taos News sleeps, the Albuquerque Journal’s peripatetic Andy Stiny circles above like Obama’s “eyes in the sky.”