Light Up Your Saturday Night

By: Bill Whaley
2 October, 2010

Mezcal Benefit for Ancianos at Shadows

The generous members of Taos’s most exciting band—Mezcal–are donating the proceeds from the door to Los Ancianos. The benefit tonight at Shadows is for athletic Ancianos to attend the Senior Olympics. Come about 8 pm and dance until midnight. Visit with your grandpas and grandmas–and check out their dancing movidas.

The Harwood Museum of Art presents JOHN NICHOLS: CALAVERAS SUITE, etchings were made for the production of his book, The Magic Journey, after Mr. Nichols had been disappointed by the quality of the artwork presented by the books publishers. “I hope these Calaveras help to further that singular irreverence we all need for mustering the courage to flip a bird at the executioners,” said Nichols. The Magic Journey is part of the trilogy featuring Milagro Beanfield War and Nirvana Blues: the beginning, middle, and end of Taos as featured in fiction.

While you’re walking down Ledoux St., don’t forget to visit the Blumenschein House, part of the Taos Museum consortium. Last night yours truly picked up a copy of “In Contemporary Rhythm: The Art of Ernest L. Blumenschein.’ Author Elizabeth Cunningham will discuss the art at a talk on Sun. Oct. 3, at 2 pm, according to docent Luisa Mylet at the museum, who cheerfully discussed the art and times of the late artist during the exchange.

The Wool Festival at Kit Carson Park, a highlight of the fall season, continues this weekend. The Aspens are turning, the Ospreys are coming, and the blessings of Mother Nature are in abundance.