D.C. Taos, “Errors” and “What Rule of Law?”

By: Bill Whaley
8 August, 2017

Washington D.C. By now you know the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, and his dream-team band of prosecutors have thrown up yellow crime scene tape round the White House, where “conflict of interest” (i.e. the emoluments clause) and Trumpean trades with the Russians are being studied. After he fired their boss, Chief Comey, some 30,000 FBI agents are zeroing in on the interloper. Apparently, the Golfer in Chief and his Mafia-like familia have mortgaged the country to the pawnbrokers of last resort in the Kremlin.

I know because I read about it in the daily news.

KCEC. Over in Taos, New Mexico, the littlest Trumpet, one KCEC CEO Luis Reyes, has (at last) confessed to an “inadvertent error” and filed a brief with the PRC. Below are two key quotes from KCEC’s high priced sharks at Cuddy-McCarthy. Interveners estimate KCEC has spent a $100,000 fighting Whaley’s “pro se” complaint.

(BTW: KCEC’s parent organization, NRECA, is a member of the Koch-Bros. ALEC, a right wing legislative lobbying group who aims at Gerrymandering just like KCEC in order to maintain the minority grip on power over the majority!)

Here’s KCEC’s relevant response to the PRC:

KCEC: “Complainant Whaley and Intervenor Lucero ignore and fail to recognize. Kit Carson’s multiple affidavits and excel spreadsheets filed by both Mr. Reyes and Mr. Martinez clearly explain how Kit Carson identified and calculated the billing adjustments to customers, and specifically identified the billing adjustments made to each customer’s account. As a result, there is no further need for KCEC to issue a “press release” explaining “the rebate process,” nor to “post and/or send a letter expressing specifically in non-technical terms how the rebate process occurred” as recommended by Complainant Whaley.”

Whaley: “Affidavits and spread sheets from KCEC, as Interveners and staff argued in last year’s rate hearing, are unreliable, filled with factual error, and obfuscatory. Further, “transparency” in a member-owned Coop, requires “plain language” so that lay people can grasp the essence of the process without having to wade through lies and law school.”

KCEC: “Specifically for Complainant Whaley, copies of his electric service bills for this three residential accounts showing the refunds completed in March 2017 and listing them as “Rate Adjustments” on the bills for $5.42, $5.41 and $5.11 were filed at the NMPRC in KCEC’s Response to Bench Request Order on March 14, 2017. This is the “clear and distinct evidence” of the refunds made to Complainant Whaley’s accounts that he wholly ignores.”

Whaley: “Finally tangible evidence links KCEC, Reyes, the Attorneys and the Trustees to the chain of evidence which KCEC only alludes to in assertions on affidavits and in spread sheets. Whaley appreciates the confession from KCEC and their attorneys but believes all members should be treated the same way without having to file hundreds of pages with the PRC. What say the “Cowardly Trustees?”

To my readers, especially the Town of Taos, EPWSD, and Taos County and members, non-residential and residential: Go to your KCEC charges for the last six months and look for “other” or “rate adjustment” with a “negative amount.” Find your rebate but remember what happened to Virgil!

According to the PRC Staff, the rebates for KCEC members add up to some $250,000 plus. KCEC knows more ways to create an “inadvertent error” than weeds know how to grow in the rainy season.

Town of Taos. At 9 am this morning in Muni Court, despite motions to excuse Judge Jim Fambro, the sign man, Jeff Northrup’s case, involving a brouhaha or alleged “defense of property” case, will be heard by the famed local fire chief, County Commissioner, and part-time Judge. What Fambro the local “life-saver” doesn’t understand is typical of Los Norteno politicos i.e. claims about “conflict of interest.”

Below Taos Friction posts a 2012 letter from Fambro, which details his hostility and bias toward “a person of his (Jeff’s) caliber.” So many elements of “conflict of interest” appear in the letter that we are reminded of the weeds growing long side the roads. We need Robert Mueller to investigate or at least an honest attorney from the local bar association to study Fambro’s twisted claims and tortured prose.

It appears that Trump, Fambro, and Reyes were separated at birth.

May 30, 2012

Judge Richard Chavez

Town of Taos Municipal Judge Taos, NM 87571

Judge Chavez,

It is with deep regret and with total humiliation that I must recuse myself from hearing the following cases, 2012091185 – CR, 2012091186 – CR, and 2012091157 – CR, all Town of Taos vs. Jeffery Northrup. This decision is based solely on the advice relayed to me by yourself from the Honorable Judge Sarah Backus.

Mr. Northrup has questioned my integrity and the integrity of the court which I was appointed and has done so in the lowest and most personal way he can. I defend my record as Alternate Judge for the Town of Taos and will never understand why this man can dictate and misuse Town personnel and funds for his own personal gain. His numerous ex parte communication attempts with me would not be tolerated by anyone in any legal position; however I have to allow him to continue to harass friends and make threats regarding my family, our income and mine and my wife’s job status.

The disgust I feel inside in having to recuse myself due to unfounded threats and statements by a person of this caliber will only make me work harder as a appointed judge in your court in the future and I am honored to serve with you in this capacity
Jim Fambro · ‘ -·.. .

Alternate Judge
Town of Taos

CC: Dave.Romero, Jr., Special Council for Town of Taos

Honorable Sarah Backus, District Judge —

Jeffrey Northrup, Defendant –

Cyndee Perez, Legal Department, Town of Taos –