Taos Garners Third Place in Worldwide Sweepstakes

By: Bill Whaley
26 October, 2017

According to U.S. News and World Report, only Prague and Vienna surpass Taos as the third best place to spend your Christmas Vacation in the world…What?

Taos, NM
#3 in Best Christmas Vacations

“Why go: For a twist on the traditional Christmas, consider spending the holidays in this small town 70 miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Snow-covered adobe buildings dot the historic downtown and handmade gifts are available at the Taos Folk pop-up store. The roster of unique events includes bonfires on Bent Street, which features traditional Aztec dancers.”

Not since the heyday of the 90s when fashion mavens Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein focused on the inspiring Southwest, especially Santa Fe and Taos, has New Mexico emerged as the leader in American tourism. Locals attribute the meteoric rise in popularity to the Taos focus on music as central to the vision of Mayor Barrone, Manager Rick Bellis, and particularly the talent of Karina Armijo, Director of Marketing and Tourism [(575) 737-5849, AArmijo@taosgov.com] as the gurus behind the rebirth of Taos as one of the most famous communities in the world.

No little credit goes to the indefatigable Ed Sandoval for keeping art and the old man alive out there in front of World Cup where the muse guides his fingers,  just as the Sign Man preaches off and on, guided by the First Amendment against the Tweeter, all this in the most complex of remote mountain-desert towns in the semi-arid high altitude of the Southwest.

When the news broke last night Chamber of Commerce officials and the B&B crowd as well as leaders of the Airbnbs in downtown Taos celebrated by sipping, not shooting shots of Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal, the Ron Cooper boutique import sweeping the better cantinas by storm thoughout the U.S. of A. The historic ignition of farolitos on portales and luminarias at street corners, though not mentioned in the era of Walmartian Christmas Tree lights, has traditionally dotted advertising and press releases in the past, according to Taos history buffs at Advertising Age.

“It’s a fabulous place,” said the U.S. News spokesman. “Fabulous art, fabulous history, fabulous setting, fabulous skiing: what’s not to like?” Governor Susan Martinez pointed out the efforts of “New Mexico True Blue” as the engine behind Santa’s award to the hard-working local leaders. “The craft beer in Taos is amazing,” said Jack Smith from Euclid, Ohio. “This ain’t Peoria or even Kansas,” said Mrs. Alice Smith, two tourists at the Taos Living Room, aka The Taos Inn. “We bought art stuff today.”

Flavio at the old County Courthouse said summer and fall sales, commissions and collectors had turned the corner of profitability for him in 2017. After reading the report in the U.S. News, he muttered a few Hail Marys and Our Fathers. Then he walked across the street to the central Plaza where he keeps an eye on Municipal employees, “so they don’t screw anything up and bring us bad luck,” said El Taoseno.

Recently, insurgent villagers up in the mountains and their heirs have upended the long tradition of patriarchy and engaged in a surprising display of “pitchforks” aimed at Los Vendidos i.e. the “Pirates of Profiteering,” calling on attorneys and judges to defend their heritage in the court, where lawsuits and counter-lawsuits were filed. The long simmering feud, involving fraud, forgery, emotional abuse, and chicanery has ignited in a cria against Los Caudillos del Mal. “We were inspired by the eternal light of truth,” said a spokesperson “and remembered what our ancestors taught us about the power of farolitos and luminarias, especially at Christmas when hope is born.”

The juxtaposition of Natives and Newcomers underscored by images of the “Strong at Heart” coalition points toward the enduring legacy of the Native Cultures as a wave of new settlers in their SUVs, on their mountain bikes or while holding on to their walkers and beer mugs threatens to flood the local communities as they do in actuality on Christmas Eve at Taos Pueblo.

As Flavio pointed out , “Manby, Popay, and Padre Martinez will always be with us.” He watched Santa’s helpers prepare for the onslaught on the slopes and in the Cantinas and said,
with a twinkle in his eye, “Viva Taos.” Then, “Let’s go see Ruthie and Cal at La Cocina and drink Irish Coffee.” So we did.