Astrology Update

By: Johnny
11 October, 2010

Astrologess Weekly Update Oct 11 – 17, 2010
By Catherine Kenward
If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at
After two very challenging weeks this one is relatively quiet, giving us a much needed rest and chance to recuperate from recent stress and anxiety. The pace picks up for this weekend which looks quite entertaining.
Monday 10/11 – Monday is busy and efficient as a Moon/Saturn sextile (8:01 AM) has people focused on getting the job done. Tonight the mood is more communicative (Moon sextile Mercury at 6:31 PM) but the main topic is work.

Tuesday 10/12 – Today the pace is quite relaxed. The Sag Moon squares easy-going Jupiter (2:15 PM) making this a talkative and friendly afternoon but there’s not much incentive (Moon sextile Neptune at 3 PM) as far as work is concerned.
This evening’s Moon/Uranus square (6:07 PM) usually dishes up an unexpected change of pace. Someone may get upset at ill-considered words, however unintentional.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:17 PM.

Wednesday 10/13 – Disturbing dreams made sleep difficult last night (the Moon conjuncted Pluto and squared Saturn at 3:57 AM) so the day gets off to a rather bleak start.
The mood finally sweetens up later tonight when a Moon/Venus sextile (10:09 PM) soothes any hurt feelings lingering from yesterday.

Thursday 10/14 – It seems there’s a lot to talk about this morning (Moon square Mercury at 11:56 AM and sextile Mars at 1:32 PM) but there may not be much substance to what’s being said. There’s a lot of gossip and people-pleasing going on. Others will tell you what they think you want to hear.
Tonight’s mellow Moon/Jupiter sextile (11:21 PM) invites a deep and relaxing sleep or a little late night socializing if you’re a city mouse.

Friday 10/15 – The Moon moves into Aquarius at 8:24 AM.
Anticipating tomorrow’s Sun/Mercury conjunction the mood is lively and social. This gracious and graceful Libra influence stimulates interest in the arts and entertaining.

Saturday 10/16 – It’s a lazy morning as a Moon/Venus square (8:09 AM) encourages a leisurely pace. There could be some tension as Scorpio Venus wants some special attention while the Moon in Aquarius may be a bit too cool and detached.
This is a great evening for entertainment as the Sun conjuncts Mercury (7:05 PM).

Sunday 10/17 – The Aquarius Moon trines the Sun (8:58 AM) and Mercury (9:56 AM) continuing the social, intellectual and artistic tone of the weekend. The morning is off to an early start but soon a Moon/Neptune conjunction (12:49 AM) slows things down and a nap after lunch seems like just the thing for a sleepy afternoon.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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