The Clothes Hanger Busts Two Amalia Muslims for Trespass

By: Bill Whaley
22 August, 2018

According to the latest installment in the “Amalia Bust” story,  Journal Staff Writer Edmund Carrillo writes on Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 at 11:35pm, dateline SANTA FE, that “Two of the adults who were arrested at a Taos County compound earlier this month have recently been slapped with cash-only bonds that will keep them in jail if they can’t raise the money – but not for the child abuse charges they’ve faced from the start.

“Trespassing citations against four of the five adults who were arrested during or just after an Aug. 3 raid of the compound showed up in [Magistrate] court files about two weeks after the raid: Tuesday, defendants Lucas Morton, 40, and Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, were ordered held under $5,000 cash-only bonds by Taos Magistrate Court Judge Ernest Ortega on the trespassing charges.

“Two others from the compound, Hujrah Wahhaj, 37, and Jany Leveille, 35, also were given trespassing citations, dated the day of the raid. But these two were not given monetary bonds by the magistrate judge they faced, Jeffrey Shannon.”

The so-called “abductor” of the three-year-old, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, was not cited. Say what?

Basically, the Amalia Five ain’t getting out of Taos County jail anytime soon because when the TCSO doesn’t get the judge or sentence they want, then they “shop” the case to another judge at the so-called “Complex.” In Justice Ernie “The Clothes Hanger” Ortega, Hogrefe found his Judge Roy Bean and the noose got tighter round two throats retroactively. (You can hear Fox News and the NRA cheering on the Red River Sheriff and the Hanger.)

The landowner, a Mr. Badger, had asked weeks ago for some criminal trespass action but the TCSO and Magistrate waited until the miscreants and the original District Judge were gone, gone, gone.

According to the Journal story, “Time stamps on the trespassing citations indicate that they weren’t filed in court until last Thursday, three days after Backus’ controversial decision to allow release of the defendants without a secured bond. Taos County spokesman Steve Fuhlendorf said Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe told him the citations were taken to the courthouse Aug. 6, the first business day after they were issued, so it’s unclear (my bold) why they weren’t stamped as filed until last week. All of the defendants remain in jail.”

The story seems “unclear” unless you have an imagination subject to a summary of facts and conclusions of law. Isn’t Taos County a great place to live! You gotta love it.