Ignorance in Politics is “no excuse.”

By: Bill Whaley
19 October, 2018

The Final Duck’n Cover!

Some of my longtime friends (including relatives) are Republicans but I can’t go there. And after checking into the local sheriff’s race, I’m not voting for sheriff. Hogrefe is a “Trumpian” (Red River Republican) in democratic clothing and an incompetent. Davis, the Challenger also voted for Trump. Hogrefe should resign; Davis can’t win. Let Steve Miera, undersheriff, run the office.

Trump and the Republicans generally support white supremacy, racism, misogyny separation of families; oppose voting rights while also suppressing the vote, support deregulation of environmental controls; deny science and human contributions to climate control; support dictators (North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, etc.) while ignoring our traditional European allies; support privatization of public schools and health care; support tax cuts for the 1% paid for by the bottom 90%. Despite America’s responsibility for destabilizing Latin America and causing the subsequent migration (and our need for immigrant labor), the Trumpians scapegoat our brothers and sisters from the south. The Republican president, constantly lies to his supporters and the rest of the voters. He’s a tax evader, under criminal investigation, who aspires to become a dictator. You can verify the “facts” each day by listening to Trump’s allies in the cabinet or Congress, on Fox or Rush Limbaugh.

(It’s no accident that the Coop Crime Family is dominated by Republicans.)

Many Democrats are failed Republicans, like the ones who opposed Bernie Sanders, but we must vote where we can to stop the fascist take-over today of the United States. If you don’t know this, you haven’t been listening. Republicans are predators and Democrats are wimpy.

BTW: Zinke’s BLM is in the process of screwing up the West Rim Trail at the state rest stop on the Gorge: crushing rocks, flattening Sagebrush, turning the trails into ATV Lanes. I report, you decide.

But here’s the good news: Congrats to Donald Gallegos, who announced his resignation and excused his decision by blaming The Taos News for a loss of support rather than a 20-year record of incompetence and moral turpitude. Mr. Victim or rather Mr. “Duck ‘n Cover” has no doubt qualified for his retirement and couldn’t wait to leave the office he rarely visits.