Astrology update

By: Johnny
26 October, 2010

Astrologess Weekly Update Oct 25 – 31, 2010
By Catherine Kenward
If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at
Monday 10/25 – The Moon enters Gemini at 5:47 AM.
Mercury conjuncts Venus (7:17 AM) in 7 degrees of Scorpio, bringing out the gentler side of the sign and easing some of the recent intensity. Mercury/Venus highlights Scorpio’s famous sense of style and design. This is a very social and fashion-conscious alignment.

Tuesday 10/26 – Sun sextiles Pluto (12:59 PM) promoting a strong streak of stamina and determination that helps us power through the week.

Wednesday 10/27 – People may change their plans this morning as a Moon/Uranus square (8:19 AM) brings unexpected events. This is an accident prone aspect so take a deep breath and slow down.
The Moon moves into Cancer at 1:14 PM.
The afternoon is moody and supersensitive because the Moon is moving toward an opposition to Pluto (7:11 PM) but later on things lighten up when the Moon trines the Sun (9:35 PM) and Venus (12:05 AM). This is an evening to spend quietly at home enjoying the company of someone near and dear.

Thursday 10/28 – The current line-up in Scorpio loses its edge as Mars moves into Sagittarius (12:46 AM). Mars in Sag is out-going and outspoken. While Mars in Scorpio will keep you guessing, you know exactly where Mars in Sag stands. This is an athletic, active placement so it’s time to get moving.
People are talkative and eager to hear all the latest news (Moon trine Mercury at 12:08 PM). Have lunch with a friend and catch up.
The Sun conjuncts Venus (7:10 PM) once every ten months. When Venus emerges from its conjunction with the Sun, it changes phases, re-appearing as either the Morning or Evening Star. All summer Venus has been putting on a lovely display in the west, as Evening Star. It has just disappeared from sight as it moves into exact conjunction, when it appears again, around Nov. 4th, it will be as Morning Star.

Friday 10/29 – This looks like a rather special day, the Cancer Moon makes a grand trine with Jupiter (8:28 AM) and Uranus (1:48 PM) in Pisces and Mars (8:56 PM), just into Sag. People are in high spirits, optimistic and out-going. This could bring a lucky break or it may just be a mellow, pleasant day.
This Friday night is jumping. Energy levels are going strong well into the evening as the Moon/Mars trine (8:56 PM) keep us in high gear.
The Moon moved into Leo at 6:38 PM.

Saturday 10/30 – The pace today is considerably slower. Yesterday was just too much fun and probably turned into a very late night. A Moon/Saturn sextile (2:15 PM) sets a measured pace.
Tonight the mind is willing but the body is weak (Moon square Mercury at 11:12 PM). This is a good time for a gab fest but, though the mouth is moving, there’s just not a lot of energy available.

Sunday 10/31 – It’s a quiet day. Possibly the weather turns rainy (or snowy). A Moon/Neptune opposition (3:02 PM) sets a dreamy, laid-back tone for the end of the weekend.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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