Plea to Governor Richardson

By: Bill Whaley
28 April, 2010

Taos Needs “The Comeback Kid”

Dear Governor Richardson:

We Taosenos know you’re a busy man what with a daily budget crisis and those dogs at the Albuquerque Journal nipping at your legacy. Surely, the Spaceport and Rail Runner will prove to be history making. Back in 1982, you got a boost to your career when Taosenos voted to elect you as their Representative to Congress. Then twenty years later in 2002, we, in record numbers, supported your election as Governor.

Thanks first to our old friend Sally Howell (RIP) and then your current supporter-in-chief, Trudy Healy, we towed the line and donated to your presidential campaign. We have done our best to vote for your favorite democrats from President Barack Obama to Senator Cisneros and Rep. Bobby Gonzales.

Now, we need you to turn the clock back and revisit the arts of diplomacy on behalf of a homegrown challenge here in El Norte i.e. Taos County. We remember how you honed your skills while dealing with recalcitrant North Koreans or the legendary Saddam Hussein, or as Secretary of Thuggery at the United Nations. Surely, a brief meeting with El Chicano, Arsenio Cordova is no more dangerous than negotiating with the late Iraqi Strongman.

We hear that Bobby Gonzales has kept you informed about the brouhaha surrounding the school issues. Although unconfirmed, Flavio (a Roundhouse custodian) claims he has seen Bobby scrambling in and out of your office on the 4th floor. We can only infer that he lobbied for intervention by the Secretary of Education, Veronica Garcia, to chastise the Taos School Board, including Mr. Cordova, Ms. Coca-Ruiz, Ms. Gallegos, and Mr. Tafoya.

Indeed, Secretary Garcia sent a letter to the board of the Taos Municipal Schools (April 23, 2010 “Failure to Comply, etc.”), threatening them with suspension. The letter has been duly noted—though it is filled with a fair number of factual inaccuracies, innuendos, and allegations taken out of context. We understand the board and the new superintendent are preparing answers and a plan to address the alleged findings.

On April 27 we learned that eleven school administrators have filed a lawsuit against the three school board members and even Rep. Bobby Gonzales, who briefly served as superintendent, in federal court. These alleged violations of civil rights were rehearsed in a previous district court hearing regarding a recall petition. So board members say they are ready for combat (again) in the courts.

Much of the drama revolves around a power struggle, issues of culture, and glib remarks about tortillas. But the real source of conflict arises out of the debate about the reasons for the historically poor performance of local students during the last decade. The race to the bottom at the Taos Municipal Schools is a remarkable testament to failure. Enrollment is down, administrative salaries are up. Auditor Hector Balderas and his crew are completing a forensic audit. Department heads, according to a letter from the AG, may have fiddled federal funds. For years, the finance department has been balancing the budget on the backs of Special Needs students—contrary to federal regs.

Just as this writer endorsed you back in 1982 when you first appeared at our radio station, KVNM-FM (now KTAO) or later at Horse Fly, so I also endorsed many of the local politicians, who are making all this trouble today, including Bobby Gonzales, the school board members, and Mayor Darren Cordova. The latter has injected himself into the conflict. Imagine my frustration as they go at each other’s throats. But, then, I’m sure you’ve experienced the movida-making up front and personal as legislators change direction at the labyrinthian Roundhouse.

(I always have trouble finding Sen. Cisneros’ office. Sometime he sent his gatekeeper, Margaret Vigil (RIP), down to the front door to escort me around.)

I know you’re in the Congress’s Baseball Hall of Fame. (BTW, read the new Willie Mays book by James Hirsch—terrific.) So if you come up here, speak softly but carry a big bat. I’ve got a bet with an old Horse Fly columnist, Catherine Naylor, who says “mediation” might work. I say it will work only if the Gov. shows up. (Course it might end up in attorney-mediator Billy Marchiondo’s lap.)

The media and the so-called “Citizens for Quality Education” (a tea-party type group) have turned Arsenio Cordova into the Saddam Hussein of Taos. The only WMD Arsenio has is an ironic, if unfortunate, sense of humor and occasional attack of colorful logorrhea. Attacking Saddam unleashed the Sunnis and the Shias and the Kurds. Attacking the board will unleash more lawyers and invective–the taxpayers will foot the bill.

It’s Time for the Comeback Kid to step into the batter’s box. If you can resolve this internecine battle prior to more bloodletting, your legacy as diplomat without portfolio will become fact and turn into legend: History will sing forever about El Norte’s “Great Peacemaker.”