Microwave Grid in Your Neighborhood

By: Johnny
4 November, 2010

By: Jane Odin

Want to know how the microwave grid is developing in your neighborhood? check http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp .It’s spreading fast with many businesses sporting MW cell tower antennas around Taos. There are 4 cell tower masts and 75 antennas within 4 miles of my house – pulsing MW frequency non-stop. The invisible web surrounds us kinda like the stockyard fencing in Amarillo. Except in this case it is everywhere.

You may see the grid under construction via Alltel trucks with workers putting up wire. circular devices atop the existing light poles along Pueblo Sur. I saw one today and it sent a shiver down my spine. Of course I could just be paranoid – but I doubt it. Looks mighty like a grid-element to me.

It’s  interesting that taosplaza.com  has an article about a long term study finding cancer cases 3 times higher among those whose homes were 1300 feet from cell-tower sites. Apparently most folks still don’t have a clue, for example people working directly under the enormous tower on Cruz Alta. http://taosplaza.com/Taos-News/cell-phone-tower-just-how-far-is-safe.html

Alert! For the clueless with excellent health insurance – you can now bath in microwave frequency with the new AT&T 3G MicroCell Signal-booster which acts like a mini-cellular tower in your home giving enhanced coverage of over 5000 feet. Yuppers! It should be really great for infants, toddlers, pregnant women and folks with health issues. Check out how much AT&T loves you and yours at: http://www.wireless.att.com/learn/why/3gmicrocell/

According to Arthur Firstenberg, AT&T is busy in Santa Fe – having recently made application for 5 new cell towers – all of which will be disguised as pine trees, hidden in chimneys and on top of existing poles. There will be a required “early neighborhood notification” meeting at which senior planner Dan Esquibel has promised to silence anyone who speaks on health issues.  This is par for the course! But I’m confident Arthur’s group doesn’t follow corporate demands.

The Apple IPhone is a big reason for new cell-towers. It’s a perfect device for folks dreaming of an early demise. Buried deep within the instruction manual of Apple’s Iphone is a warning to keep it an inch away from the body. Similar warnings accompany most cell phones – hidden at the back of the manual where no one looks. But even if warnings were in the “getting started” section – how does one accomplish that feat? Try to keep it an inch away from the body the next time you use your cumulative-frequency cell phone.

The Blackberry Torch carries a warning that if you keep the ON phone in your pocket it can exceed FCC guidelines. Guess one needs a wheeled briefcase  to pull the device at a safe distance. The phone antenna is another problem. It is hidden inside, at the back of the phone. So it’s not a good idea to carry it in the ON position with the key pad facing outward. The thinner the phone, the closer the antenna will be to the head.

If you want to see the effect of cell phones on the heart:<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EI9fZX4iww>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EI9fZX4iww

In an earlier article in this series I included a link to a tin-foil hat demo. It appeared to demonstrate the effective MW blocking qualities of the foil. But now I am confused regarding metal structures – because of a 2009 study “Surprising Observations on Phenomena Created from Modified 2.45 GHZ Source” which clearly demonstrates Aluminum(Al) acts as an antenna for the frequency.

Does this suggest that being in a metal building puts one at the heart of a transmitting antenna?

The best answer I can find regarding this controversy says that MW frequency over 100GH cannot penetrate Al or steel. It has to do with the smaller wavelength of the higher frequency. Should HAARP turn up the frequency during civil unrest it might be a good idea to seek a metal building. But under exposure to 2.45 GHz, metal buildings become antenna.   http://www.mri.psu.edu/faculty/rroy/media/Publications/Surprising.pdf

A new book on the subject is making waves on the internet: “Disconnect: The Truth Behind Cell Phone Radiation” by Devra Davis