Astrologess Weekly Update Nov 22 – 28, 2010 By Catherine Kenward

By: Johnny
22 November, 2010

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Monday 11/22 – The Sun enters Sagittarius (3:15 AM). Happy Birthday, Sag! It’s a serious, get down to business type of morning. The Gemini Moon trines Saturn (1:04 PM) so people are focused and disciplined, trying to get the jump on the holiday to-do list. We’re still going strong tonight as the Moon opposes Mars (10:22 PM) though people are getting a little wired and stressed from all the sustained effort.

Tuesday 11/23 – A holiday mood sets in this morning. The Moon squares Jupiter (6:39 AM) and trines Neptune (11:04 AM) so people are ready to relax and enjoy.
A Moon/Uranus square (12:24 PM) has folks taking off early from work. That’s it for this work week. The Moon trines Venus (2:56 PM) at midafternoon and a party mood prevails. The Moon enters Cancer at 6:14 PM.

Wednesday 11/24 – Today is bit of a grind. If you missed the boat on the early week momentum, you’ll be struggling to keep up today, stuck in those long lines at the grocery store and stressing out. The Moon squares Saturn (7:05 PM) this evening and, guess what? Mom needs some help in the kitchen. For others, the holiday blues may set in now. Finding some place to volunteer will help get your mind off yourself and make you feel better.

Thursday 11/25 – Happy Thanksgiving. This really is a happy holiday as today’s Mercury/Jupiter square (7:19 AM) has people feeling optimistic and out-going, sweeping cares and concerns under the rug for the time being. The Moon trines Jupiter (11:50 AM) and Uranus (5:18 PM) so a jovial and energetic mood continues all day long. Some are opting for a less traditional holiday and doing something a bit different. But it turns out to be lots of fun, however you chose to celebrate.
Tonight Moon square Venus (8:44 PM) equals over-indulgence. The L-tryptophan kicks in and everyone heads for the couch or a convenient easy-chair to finish off the evening in a prone position. The Moon enters Leo at 11:01 PM.

Friday 11/26 – The harmonious mood continues as a Moon/Sun trine (6:15 AM) gets the day off to a pleasant start. Tonight (Moon sextile Saturn at 11:36 PM) a more serious tone has people up late, trying to take care of some last minute chores before setting off for the weekend.

Saturday 11/27 – If you stayed home for Thanksgiving, you’ll be wanting to take off this weekend for a little change of pace.
Mercury sextiles Neptune (6:15 AM) and squares Uranus (7:29 PM) so there’s a dreamy, relaxed mood at the same time as a restless, curious energy encourages a bit of adventure. This has been a thoroughly enjoyable holiday.

Sunday 11/28 – The Moon moves into Virgo at 2:34 AM, bringing the mood more down to earth. People need some space after all the togetherness. There’s a little stress this afternoon (1:36 PM) as a Sun/Moon square brings out a critiical, judgemental streak. Defuse the situation by getting out for a walk or a bit of exercise.