Taos Astro Forecast 2011

By: Johnny
1 January, 2011

By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at www.astrologess.com
Happy New Year everyone. Today’s forecast is a overview of some of the astrological highlights of the coming year.

There are some interesting shifts in 2011 as a couple of the slower moving planets change signs.

First of all, Jupiter moves into Aries on Jan 22nd bringing a season of opportunity to the sign of the Ram. Jupiter made a brief visit to Aries last summer, from June until the beginning of Sept. Then it retrograded back into Pisces, giving the sign of the Fishes a chance to consolidate its gains. Now it will be back in Aries from Jan 22nd until June 4th.

Jupiter takes about 11 ½ years to go around the zodiac once, spending an average of just under a year in each sign. This is the planet of good luck and opportunity, bringing with it feelings of contentment and abundance. But when Jupiter goes through your sign, there’s a tendency to get lazy, even though there are opportunities to be had. Its feel-good mood encourages us to kick back and enjoy rather than jumping on the offers that come our way.

On March 11th the planet Uranus also moves into Aries, where it will be for the next 7 plus years. Uranus is the planet of change, of innovation and revolution. It’s a radical, a rule-breaker, who isn’t afraid to fly in the face of convention as it follows its own convictions. So those with birthdays at the beginning of Aries are getting ready to make some big changes this year.

And there will be three other planets in Aries this spring, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Mars moves into Aries on April 2nd and this should really heat things up. Aries is a fire sign, known for its energy, enthusiasm and fiery temper. It is the warrior of the zodiac, testing its mettle in bouts of competition, which it dearly loves. So all this Aries has a distinctly combative and war-like aspect to it.

The Arian influence reaches its peak at the New Moon on April 3rd when the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are all in the sign of the Ram. But it is still going strong by the beginning of May when there are still 5 planets in Aries.

So, with all this fiery energy, it’s a good bet that this will be a very hot and early spring here in New Mexico, with temperatures well above average. Gardners should be thinking about an early planting of their spring crops. It also looks very dry, though other parts of the world will be dealing with major flooding brought on by the heat.

Jupiter moves through Aries pretty quickly. It will enter solid, sensible Taurus on June 4th, where it will stay for just over a year. This should calm things down a bit. Actually tempers and temperatures should start cooling by mid May when several planets move out of Aries and into Taurus. Hopefully this means that we’ll start getting some rain by then.

The other major shift going on this year is Neptune’s entrance into Pisces, after spending the last 12 years in Aquarius. Neptune represents our hopes and ideals, our fondest dreams and our greatest delusions. Neptune is the anti-ego planet. It’s the place where we are all connected. “As you do unto the least of these, so you do unto me,” is Neptune’s lesson, though somehow humanity still doesn’t seem to get it, especially in our current “every man for himself” mindset. Neptune tends to dissolve the boundaries between ourselves and others.

Neptune has a cycle of almost 165 years so the last time it was in Pisces was from 1847 through 1861. 1861 was the year the American Civil War started. The argument between States Rights versus those who believed in a strong Federal Government had been hotly debated since the beginning of our country, then, just as Neptune moved into Aries, this argument erupted into a bloody civil war.

Now, Neptune will be in Pisces until 2025 and I predict that a new version of this old debate will be back on the table once again.

So, as you can see, astrology isn’t just about what kind of day you’re going to have. It is a useful and fascinating tool for understanding the cycles of history. This especially comes into play when looking at the cycles of the slower, history-making planets like Neptune and Uranus.

You’re going to be experiencing a once in a lifetime line-up. The biggest changes will be experienced by those with birthdays within the first couple days of Aries but all of you will experience a huge burst of energy this spring. There is a great opportunity here. You can use this energy to make a major transformation or you may end up shooting sparks like a cable carrying too much current. Trying to resist this push for change can result in sky-rocketing stress levels. Start thinking now about what you how you would like to change your life.

Jupiter enters your sign in June, ushering in a year of opportunity. Jupiter can lull you into a comfortable, complacent zone. It’s great to feel good but its important to be aware of the opportunities that are available to you now. Be proactive and put yourself out there. Let people know what you’re up to, make contacts and take advantage of the offers that come your way.

Your outlook and ideas are changing. Due in part to some radical friends of yours, you’re entertaining new views that will serve to change your direction in life. After doing a lot of re-thinking, you’re ready for a new level of personal freedom. As Neptune enters Pisces old goals no longer feel as important to you any more. You’re looking for a vocation that makes a difference in the world.

The Aries line-up heralds big changes at work. You are inspired or pushed into pursuing something new. You usually take a conservative approach to change but don’t hesitate to take advantage of an opportunity that comes your way this spring. If you’re too slow to respond, you’ll find out later that you’ve missed the boat. Neptune in Pisces brings a devotional frame of mind as you spend more time contemplating spiritual matters.

All this Aries brings you adventure with a capital “A”. Life’s a journey and you’re on a quest for meaning, for learning, for life experience. You may be traveling or going back to school, as a teacher or as a student, but somehow you’re seeking to expand your horizons and luck is on your side. Expect some intervention, as the hand of fate is at work and has certain plans for you.

Love and money are both in the picture now. There could be a sudden change in your source of income and, with Jupiter in the mix, it looks like a change for the better. Your love life could get very interesting now, though you won’t be advertising this, of course. Also you could have some psychic or spiritual experience that changes your whole outlook on life.

You have always been a social animal but with Jupiter and Uranus entering your relationship sector this spring, your life suddenly feels like a three-ring circus. Where did all these clowns come from? Not necessarily clowns though, how about magical, wild and crazy, inspirational and exciting. Are you falling for an adventurer, a polar explorer, a soldier of fortune? Certainly these are not conventional relationships. Just hold on to your hat and enjoy the ride.

It looks like you’ll be turning your schedule upside down this spring, making big changes in your daily routine. You’re on the move, running at a feverish pace. The changes that you make now are refreshing and revitalizing, you just need to stop and take a deep breath every now and then. Neptune in Pisces sets a romantic, idealistic approach to love. You put your loved one on a pedestal, seeing only their highest potential.

The Aries line-up stimulates your creativity and a desire for the unusual. A new restlessness tempts you to take risks with gambling, sports or some other type of speculation but is better expressed through a favorite art form. An exciting new love affair could suddenly sweep you off your feet. Meanwhile, relationships with family members calm down as a new peace settles on the home scene.

Things will be hopping at your house. This spring may be the time when you finally decide to make that big move or perhaps family is coming to live with you. Possibly the kids are moving back in. Whatever it is, your house is rocking. Surrender to the chaos, get flexible and enjoy the spontaneity of the moment.

The muse is speaking loud and clear and inspiration abounds. Intellectually, this will be a very creative time for you. Your innovative approach produces some interesting results so knuckle down, organize your thoughts and do some writing. Your performance skills are at a peak, so acting or public speaking are real possibilities now. A lucky streak could have you on a roll this spring.

There’s a big shift as Jupiter and Uranus move out of your sign and Neptune moves in. Neptune sets a dreamy, mystic tone. Material goals are becoming less important than spiritual and humanitarian ones. The Aries line-up happens in your financial sector, indicating changing values and a shift in your source of income. This spring could bring a sudden windfall that alleviates recent shortages and makes you more financially independent.

If you’re interested in a reading, give me, Catherine Kenward, the astrolegess,  a call at 758-4850 and, for more astrology, go to my website at Astrologess.com.