Secretary of Education Skandera Coming to Taos

By: Bill Whaley
27 January, 2011

On Friday, Jan. 28, New Mexico’s Secretary of Education, Hanna Skandera, will be visiting Enos Garcia Elementary School at 1 pm and the Taos Charter School at 2 pm. Concerned parents, teachers, students, citizens and selected community leaders are invited to meet the new Secretary. She will be leaving Taos at 3 pm. Skandera’s boss, Gov. Martinez says she wants to end social promotion and use letter grades to indicate school accomplishments. Martinez has implied that too much money goes to administrators and not enough into the classroom.

At the KCEC meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 25, little or nothing was said regarding the Coop’s rate increase and hearings scheduled to begin later this year with the Public Regulation Commission.

Earlier this week a total of 185 early voters had marked their ballots during the early voting period for the local school board race.

According to Flavio, the party responsible for early canine mortality no longer works at the animal shelter.

Taos County has two job openings: Adult Detention Officer and rural addressing coordinator/GIS Tech.

Underground sources say the “Boys” are back in town from their heavy trip through law enforcement circles in Denver. Now the attorneys take over. The civics lesson is just beginning.

The current Taos Ice Tigers Hockey team is solidly in first place, with a 12-1 record for the season. The team practices each morning arriving at the Y&FC at 5:30 AM prior to school for practice from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM. Playoffs are in February.

Behind the scenes throughout Taos local government and the schools, the attorneys are busy. Despite the drama, this year’s school board race will probably set a record for low turnout. Nobody but Daniel Miera will do as County Manager and he’s stickin’ with the Town for now. Young Jake Caldwell may have to do double duty as Interim County Manager and school board member. It’s surely time for these old politicos to turn over the keys to the next generation—just don’t get carried away like Luis the Yuppie.