Astro Cast Feb. 4

By: Johnny
4 February, 2011

By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at

There are big demands on our time and energy that will require a lot of self discipline if we are going to meet all our commitments. Today, the Sun conjuncts Mars in Aquarius so people are feeling energiized, mobilized and focused on community action. Over the weekend, both planets will be trining Saturn so there’s a lot to do. Mars and Saturn bring hardwork and obstacles to overcome.

On Saturday, a sunny, friendly attitude prevails. People are open and responsive, thanks to a sextile between Mercury and Jupiter. It’s a “whistle while you work” kind of a day. There’s a lot to do but getting it done gives a pleasant sense of accomplishment.

This coming week, the pace slows down and the mood gets rather intense and emotional as Venus heads toward a conjunction with passionate Pluto on Wednesday. Venus and its upcoming aspects indicate an ongoing lack of resources. We could be dealing with the fall-out from this for the next two weeks.

Duty calls on Sunday but by noon its time to take off and get a little recreation before the weekend is over. There’s a bit of a compulsion to spend money today. The Moon conjuncts Jupiter tonight and people are in the mood to indulge in a little something special.


All this Aquarius finds you actively involved with friends and community, possibly organizing some kind of support group or outreach program. You’re full of enthusiasm and a new passion for life now that Jupiter has entered your sign (2AR27).


Aquarius activates your career sector. Put some time and attention into taking care of some important work-related details. It’s time to speak up. Let your voice be heard. Life’s an adventure, so why not take a chance?


You’re very persuasive and, right now, you’re on a crusade for something you feel strongly about. You would make a good teacher or public speaker. Attend or give some kind of a training or lecture series. Someone has got you on a pedestal. Don’t fall off.


You’re in a mystical mood, out exploring the mysteries of the universe. Maybe you had a particularly metaphysical moment or some other experience stirred your interest but you are on a quest for truth. You could find yourself obsessing over a loved one but, the more you obsess, the more they elude you.


Suddenly there’s a lot of interaction going on as Aquarius ignites your relationship sector. Somebody is coming on strong but it’s all very interesting and you’ve always been a sucker for a good story.


Somebody turned up your thermostat. You could be prone to fevers this month. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. You’re working hard but you need to take a break once in a while. Find some water and take a swim.


This looks like the reward for dues paid. Suddenly, life’s a party and you’re having fun. Who could have imagined? A parade of interesting characters makes life an adventure and you’re thoroughly entertained by it all.


Aquarius highlights home and family. With Mars here, there’s a tendency toward a general irritability and conflict with family members. You need more quiet time to rest and recharge. You will be doing some major reorganizing this spring.


You’re dreaming big these days. This is a very creative and lucky time for you. Fortune smiles when you use your brain and that powerful intuition you’ve been developing lately. Children’s needs require extra cash next week.


It seems that you’re working double time for half as much. Still you’re feeling vaguely insecure about your position. Anxiety could cause you to bring about the very thing you fear. Try not to self-sabotage when Venus conjucts Pluto next week.


You’re a real power house these days, a force to be reckoned with. You’ve found your voice and now that you’ve started talking you don’t want to stop. Don’t be afraid to go for it. The Force is with you.


This is a quiet time for you but, still waters run deep. There’s a lot going on beneath the surface. Jupiter in Aries brings you an unexpected new source of income. A lucky break puts you in a more cheerful mood.

And that’s the astrological forecast for Feb 4th and the coming week. This is Catherine Kenward, the Astrologess. If you’re interested in a reading, give me a call at 758-4850 and, for more astrology, go to my website at