Running from Rapists?

By: Johnny
27 May, 2010

Subject: Questionable motives

Dear Nancy;

The last hour of your “Breakfast with Nancy” radio show this morning was devoted to  interviewing  three candidates for the upcoming Taos county commissioner election.  You had wide-ranging questions, yet the issues of spiked drinks, rapes of children and women, rape testing, or limited funding was never addressed, by you or the candidates.

I find this shocking, given your hysterical rants just a few weeks ago on these very topics.  You drew in, over several days, among others, representatives from CAV, Holy Cross Hospital, the Taos Police Department, town government officials, county government officials, rape victims, and community members.  You badgered some individuals, especially Chief Anglada.  You were particularly critical of the funding provided by Taos county, just $6,000 this year, and $8,000 next year, for programs related to the issues mentioned in the above first paragraph.

It makes a listener such as myself question your motives, and commitment to the abuse of children and women in Taos county;  I suspect your true passion is ratings, advertisers, and protection of your job, and you chose to proselytize to protect those interests rather than the rape victims you seemed to be so concerned about less than two weeks ago.  Apparently you’ve gotten all the blood out of these issues that serve your purposes, and will now move onto potholes and wondering why the new county complex was not built near the golf course.  I, again, cannot believe that you totally ignored these abuse issues, regardless of your reason(s).

Of course, we do get to hear endless references to YOUR medical issue ($2,700  tooth  implant).  And, maybe, Darren finds the rape issue embarrassing, and has ordered you  to stay away from this  politically embarrassing  topic….. if this is the case, I apologize for questioning your motives.  You do work for Darren, and must march to the beat of his drum.


Jeff Northrup