Who is Vato Loco?

By: Bill Whaley
11 February, 2011

(Breaking News) Mubarak Quits (9:26 am).

The Most Interesting Man in the World!

“As one General once said the cemeteries are full of irreplaceable men.”—Vato Loco

The term, “Vato Loco,” according to the online Urban Dictionary, originated in Mexico. It “is the traditional Mexican gangster who stays true to his heritage, although incorporating new content to his lifestyle (but) never forgets about his origins and has major respect for his likings. “Puro vato loco” crazy gangbanger… “PURO VATO LOCO” denotes Hispanic origin, then “CRAZY GANG BANGER” states how he is related to Chicanos as well.”

(First, the schools, now the Town?)

Mi amigo, Tio Zuco, grunted, “These guys in Taos didn’t know they were Chicanos until they went to college.” (Tio Zuco got his education in the barrios and studied the arts of la Vida loca at the big house. The Vato above studied shoe shining.)

When you read the remarks below, reproduced from The Taos News comment section, listen for the speech patterns, study the vocabulary, and note references to the “lenguaje” of Town Hall. El Vato Loco appears only in the comment section concerning the power struggle between the Mayor and Manager. The consistent support for the mayor suggests he’s a loyal “lapdog.”

Given the pseudonym, one assumes El Vato Loco has studied “top secret” procedures. His keen observations—the nod between a councilor and manager, focus on seating protocol, the rather forceful references to the chain of command—suggest a frustrated former member of the military cognoscenti. In sum, the subtle references imply that this Vato Loco may be an experienced officer or “leader of men.”

History suggests (though we disagree) that he once supported a suspect (unbid) public works project because the “chief” said march (for Agnes). Did he say, “When the President, my commanding officer, says march, I don’t ask where” (even to Iraq). He might have promoted the idea of expanding the presence of the national chain stores (three) in Taos or the occasional subdivision—despite questions regarding “conflict of interest.” But I doubt it. The Disappeared Barber and president of the Chicano Chamber, has said, “conflict of interest is a non-existent principle in El Norte.”

El Vato Loco’s courageous and anonymous attacks on a Town councilor reveal a man and his principles. He may one day become a candidate for Mayor. He’s a leader of men; he’s Vato Loco; he’s the most interesting man in the world.

BTW: Remember when the Mayor and Councilor sought the removal of the TMS board due to in fighting? Hmmm. Is it time to ask the Gov. to  issue a cease and desist order for  the Council, Mayor, and Manager? We’re only asking.

Read the Vato’s remarks below and pray for us

VatoLoco wrote on Jan 29, 2011 2:37 PM:

” I think most people will agree how Mr. Sanchez more than anyone else has created this mess. For one, publicly stating that he likes it when Mr. Miera challenges the Mayor truly epitomizes Sanchez’s passive aggressive nature.

“There can only be one boss, not two, the manager is not the Council’s lapdog to trip up the Mayor. This is a bedrock tenet of management, not a high school club popularity contest.

“I can only imagine what a horrible situation it must be for the employees of the Town of Taos. Mr. Sanchez, you are not the Mayor, for good reason, you lost the last time you tried. Lastly, your support for Arsenio’s poor leadership and the chaos on the council [school board] means you will not get my vote in any election. ”

VatoLoco wrote on Feb 1, 2011 7:41 AM:

“I agree with you, age discrimination should not be tolerated, still
you then claim that people can be young and uninformed, aren’t you
double-standard yourself?

“At the end of the day, we need new people simply because the long time politicos are all but paralyzed by their egos bruised by insults real or imagined.

“Ultimately as President Truman once said, “If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen…” Collaboration and emotional maturity, it’s not rocket science ”

VatoLoco wrote on Feb 3, 2011 9:54 AM:

” Being knowledgeable is one thing, but if Mr. Sanchez encourages Mr. Miera’s insubordination how can that be of any benefit to anyone?

“If anything it illustrates Mr. Sanchez’s lack of knowledge of essential management principles for good government, so I find Mr. Sanchez’s value highly questionable, reality speaks louder than rhetoric as exemplified in the outcome of the recent school board election. “

VatoLoco wrote on Feb 5, 2011 3:52 PM:

“Your premise is incorrect. Perhaps this crucial point is why most of the council remains clueless. Three levels? The mayor is the chief executive, period. The manager is not a check and balance on anyone, he is not elected nor does he get to vote, his job is to execute programs. Daniel shouldn’t be sharing the same podium with the council during their meetings he should be sitting off to the side.

“I thought it was hilarious to see Daniel override the town’s lawyer and manipulate the proceedings by whispering to Silva to tell him to cut off discussions that was simply ridiculous. Clearly the manager has a role, but if Daniel thinks he can play the council against the mayor and manage without being beholden to our elected officials, then his career at the Town of Taos will continue to be a series of short ones.

“Sanchez clearly is not knowledgeable, he’s only convinced himself that he is, so he can prove me wrong by giving Daniel a new seat in the front row of the audience, and actually let the council run their own meetings. ”

VatoLoco wrote on Feb 6, 2011 9:04 PM:

” It is unusual, just not in Taos—that is the problem. The manager can easily sit at a table in front of the council, or he can sit in a back seat behind the mayor, just like they do in other normally functioning local governments.

“To say the manager does not run a meeting when I have seen him direct Silva to call for votes, like a puppet on a string; news flash, the manager is running the meetings. You are correct Daniel should not have been appointed, as he’s clueless and so easily manipulated by Gene.

“The council needs to do the right thing for the people’s business, get a new manager and start anew, because if not, this will be an endless cycle of firing re-hiring. Once the trust is gone, just like Elvis, it has left the building. ”

VatoLoco wrote on Feb 9, 2011 10:19 AM:

” Apparently you go fishing with Gene because that is exactly what he would say. What is lost on you and Gene is the simple fact that neither of you, to include Mr. Miera, is the elected mayor. That is where the disconnect is for you, because Miera cannot do as he pleases, if his idea is shot down by the Mayor, he’s supposed to salute and press on, backbone? Funny, Gene says the same thing. How absurd. Sure, anyone can stand up to the boss but they better be willing to face the consequences, apparently Miera cannot, which speaks to the severity of his arrogance.

“For one, Miera doesn’t possess the diplomatic skills or emotional intelligence to figure out this simple concept, because he probably gets bad advice from Gene. I as a voter truly appreciate, Mayor Cordova asserting his power, because Miera is not above anyone, he answers to the Mayor, who in turn answers to us the public. Instead, Miera can so easily be rolled by the manipulative council and become obstinate with his boss, the mayor? How ludicrous.

“You and Gene sound like a choir of singing sour grapes. Sadly, instead of lauding the mayor for his musical and entrepreneurial talents, you belittle them as if there were a core pedigree for mayor that we, the public who elected Mayor Cordova, just cannot grasp. Paradoxically your statement epitomizes the very same small town mentality you rail against. Mr. Miera is not a demigod, obviously there are better people, as one General once said the cemeteries are full of irreplaceable men. Finally, get a clue, Miera does not represent the Town of Taos, he’s management, the Mayor, his boss, represents the Town of Taos. The sooner you, Gene, and Miera grasp that important fact the better off we, the public will be. That’s why I urge the other council members to join in and fix this mess get a new manager there are plenty of talented men and women who are willing to work well with both the council and the mayor. ”

El Vato Loco—a Leader of Men! One Day, he, too, may confront his arch nemesis, the town crier and irrepressible sign man, in a race for the long-sought position of Town Mayordomo. But until then El Vato Loco remains the most interesting man in the world. Viva, Viva, Viva!