Memo to Home and Business Owners

By: Bill Whaley
1 March, 2011

The Taos Ice Tigers won the single team and combined team state championships against other high schools and combined all star teams. The Tigers, in other words, are the state’s all stars. Amazing. Congrats to Brian and his World Beaters.


TO: Mayors, Chairs of Boards of County Commissioners, Councils of Governments, New Mexico Municipal League, New Mexico Association of Counties, Interested Groups, and Individuals

FROM: Sam Ojinaga, Acting Local Government Division Director

SUBJECT: Special Meeting of the New Mexico Community Development Council Concerning CDBG Emergency Home Repair Program

The New Mexico Community Development Council (Council) will hold a special public meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2011, beginning at 1:00 p.m., to consider and take possible action on all items of business necessary to implement an emergency home repair program for low-income persons in New Mexico affected by the recent severe weather storms and extreme cold. Information concerning this meeting and the proposed program is provided below in question and answer format.
Where will the meeting be held? The Bataan Memorial Building, 407 Galisteo Street, Suite 201, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

What is the source of funding for the program? The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Funding is proposed to come from money the Council previously set aside for emergencies as well as reversions from previously approved projects that the Council will consider allocating to emergencies pursuant to NMAC

What is the size of the program? Approximately $1.1 million.

Who will administer the program? Councils of Governments (COGs), pursuant to grant agreements between the COGs and the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division.

How will program funds be allocated throughout the State? Each COG will initially be allocated $157,142.85 for repairs within the nonentitlement areas within its district. Unused funds will be reallocated to other COGs.

Are some residents ineligible for the program based on where they live? Yes, residents of entitlement cities are NOT eligible for this program. Entitlement cities that receive CDBG funds directly from HUD are: the City of Albuquerque, the City of Farmington, the City of Las Cruces, the City of Santa Fe, and the City of Rio Rancho.

What is the proposed dollar limit on repairs per household? $2,000.

What repairs are eligible for reimbursement? Water line replacement from the utility service (meter) to the home; repairs of water lines within the home; and water heater and/or furnace replacement or repair.

What is the proposed income eligibility for the program? Low and moderate income residents as determined by Section 8 income guidelines established by HUD.
What is the proposed deadline for residents to apply? March 18, 2011.

When and where will the agenda for the Council’s special meeting be available? The agenda for this special public meeting will be available twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting at The Bataan Memorial Building, 407 Galisteo Street, Suite 201, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 and at the following website,


Can people participate telephonically? Yes. Interested persons that cannot attend the special public meeting in person can call the following number: 1-800-944-8766, participant code 37448.

Who should we contact with questions? Dolores Gonzales at (505) 827-4972.