To my supporters:

By: Johnny
14 April, 2010

As you may know, I am a strong supporter of Arsenio Cordova, Lorraine Coca-Ruiz, and Stella Gallegos, the three School Board members who have been trying to move the school forward. For this they have been villainized by administrators at CRAB hall, Nancy Stapp from DMC Broadcasting and the Taos News.

There will be a protest march starting at 9AM on Thursday, April 15, at DMC Broadcasting and marching to the Taos News Office. The three board members are asking for your support and you may want to participate at one or both venues. Thank you.

Gene Sanchez

I would go further  – – the Brown Berets are right this time.  Unlike Lulac and the Other Brown Beret organization, Burns has correctly surmised that this is about discrimination – – only it is the poor (brown, white, black, native american) who are the objects of the discrimination, because the wealthier have the funds to go to private schools, move out of town, time to home school, etc.  I would attend, but I am giving classes to high school students in Santa Fe, on constitutional rights (how to survive the streets), on behalf of the ACLU.   Good luck.

Alan H. Maestas