Truth Stranger than Rumor

By: Bill Whaley
3 May, 2011

Flavio  has verified the sources but not the stories. Still the stories ring truer than mere rumor. We withhold the names to protect writers against retaliation and “Parking Lot” politics. We hear fist fights have occurred due to tension between KCEC Trustees and their trustworthy members up north.

Attention Activists:

According to a 1998 New Mexico Law Review article, the New Mexico Supreme Court decided in Schein v. Northern Rio Arriba Electric Cooperative, Inc. that a coop member is allowed to inspect cooperative books and records when a member has stated a “proper purpose.” For instance, a member, the equivalent of a shareholder, might want to inspect the records for the sake of determining whether board members and management are conducting business legally or in terms of best management practices. Among other findings, the court apparently decided that a member, who happened to be a journalist, had the right to inspect coop expenses or facts related to legal fees. There’s no reason why audit findings, budgets, and receipts regarding travel and reimbursement should not fall under the principle of “proper purpose.”

Readers write Today


Wonder What the Mayor has to say about this? 11 million to be accounted for from the one (Taos) of nine school districts to be audited?


Wanted to tell you my recent experience with HCH. (She) had some tests that come to just under a thousand bucks. The day the bill came in I wrote a check for the full amount, and put it in the mail. Five days later I got a letter from HC, on orange paper, telling me that if I paid the very same bill within 15 days I would get a 40% discount! The letter listed 2 phone numbers.

When I called the first one, the answering machine said that they couldn’t come to the phone right now, and if I wanted “immediate service” I could call the second number. When I called the second number the answering machine said that they couldn’t come to the phone, but I could get “immediate service” if I called the first number. I tried this silly business several times during one day.

So, a few days later (when we were in that part of town anyway) I went into the hospital, got an orange number from registration (to see the billing dept.) and waited. I noted that I got #2, the guy waiting for billing who came in next got #5, and the 3rd guy received #1. I waited half an hour or so and left (nobody got in to see billing).

(Billing’s office door is unmarked the registration lady said, by the way.)

A few days later I was in the hospital again, and asked registration directly (instead of billing) my question: would I receive 40% back from the nearly 1k I had already paid (since it was well within 15 days). The lady laughed. She checked the account, and said my balance was zero – and “no” I would not be receiving any money back (laughing again at the thought).

Since that experience I heard an identical story from a woman who lives in Santa Fe – only this time it was the Santa Fe hospital (not HC) doing exactly the same thing.

“The moral of the story has to be: don’t pay your hospital bills on time!


Editor: (From two sources)

(A trustee) was caught hauling away dirt from a Village of Questa construction site with NO permission! Mas Marranada! “Mr. Holier than thou” doesn’t need no stinkin permission, que sas.


The Trustees already have a list of the petition signers and they are already
visiting houses and making calls, with their own petition in hand for signers to sign removing their names…Pobrecitos!