Breaking News: Twenty Attorneys File Briefs

By: Bill Whaley
9 May, 2011

(Press release)

“Twenty (20) applications have been received in the Judicial Selection Office as of 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2011, for the judicial vacancies on the 8th Judicial District Court due to the resignation of the Honorable Sam B. Sanchez, and the legislative creation of one (1) additional judgeship in the district.”

(Attorneys are abandoning ship and running for the bench but while “many are called, few are chosen.”)

“The District Judicial Nominating Commission will begin promptly at 9:00 am on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, at the Taos County Courthouse, 105 Albright Street, NM, to evaluate the applicants for these positions. The Commission meeting is open to the public. Those wishing to make public comment are requested to be present at the opening of the meeting. The applicants are listed in alphabetical order.”

According to Taos Friction sources, Helen Laura Lopez, former Taos County Democratic Party Chair, has said she is running for the office as a democrat in the June 2012 primary.

First, the Judicial Selection Commission must choose attorneys who have applied. Second, they must run in the June primary as a Republican or Democrat unless unopposed. Third, they must win the November 2012 general elections. So a new judge will be kept busy as he or she learns the ropes and puts together a campaign organization. Depending on who is chosen, you may see the formidable DA’s machine go into action on behalf of “The Donald.”

Below, Flavio comments not on the qualifications of the applicants but on their political potential for an appointment and/or winning elections.

Peter J. Adang: Extremely unlikely.
Sarah C. Backus: Unlikely
Robert O. Beck: Likely
Darryl A. Bouchard: Unlikely
John H. Clough: Extremely unlikely.
Andria L. Cooper: Extremely unlikely.
Samuel M. Herrera: Unlikely
Linda J. Hollander: Extremely unlikely.
Mary E. Humphrey: Unlikely.
The Honorable John A. Kern: Extremely unlikely.
Rachel C. Kolman: Extremely unlikely.
Floyd W. Lopez: Dark Horse
Brigitte U. Lotze: Dark Horse
Alan H. Maestas: Likely
Dennis Manzanares: Unlikely
Barbara A. Martinez: Likely
Jeff F. McElroy: Unlikely
Sarah M. Montoya: Likely
Elizabeth Musselman: Extremely unlikely.
Kay Ann C. Tyssee: Unlikely

General Comments: Both Peter Adang (KCEC Protestor) and John Clough (town Attorney) may have technical or procedural problems that restrict them from the process (Bar Status, Residency). We don’t know anything, really, about the commission’s vetting process. For instance, an attorney could get appointed, who has an “unlikely” chance of winning an election.

The bump received for incumbency would benefit Sarah Montoya, Barbara Martinez, Alan Maestas, and Robbie Beck. If Helen Lopez or Donald Gallegos enters the race as a candidate, then you’d have a dogfight in the June demo primary. We think the Republican loses in the November general. President Obama and the U.S. Senatorial Candidates plus all the local democrats running for office will create a “pull-the-lever” demo sweep in Taos County in 2012.

Still, don’t count out a dark horse in the unpredictable “judicial sweepstakes.”