Zorro Coming to Taos

By: Bill Whaley
12 June, 2010


Secretary of Education Veronica Garcia has resigned. Whether she was pushed or left on her own accord, we don’t know. Flavio, a veteran Roundhouse observer, blames Taos politics because he says she lost the struggle to remove Arsenio Cordova and the Taos Municipal Schools board from office. Gov. Richardson is also expected to resign due to the fiasco and make way for Diane Denish to become incumbent. If Republican Susanna Martinez wins the race for Gov. Flavio says Arsenio Cordova may be in line for PED Secretary. “But he’s got to deliver El Norte to the GOP,” said the longtime custodian.

(By the way, Chicano Chamber member Gene Sanchez, town councilor, says he is not a candidate for Lorraine Coca-Ruiz’s seat on the school board. Chamber president Juma Archuleta says he almost has enough credits for a third GED, which would qualify him for Director of Instruction. “I cut their hair. I know what they want and need. And they behave when they sit in the big chair.” )

School News

The Taos Municipal Schools approved and passed a budget on Wed. June 9, 2010. Board members say the administration and the union representing teachers and staff have reached an agreement in principle that includes more time in the classroom for teachers and students. The agreement has yet to be signed. Teachers’ will not receive a pay cut but will give up “steps” or automatic raises based on time and qualifications.

State auditor Banderas issued an advisory letter, based on the Moss Adams accounting firm report, saying the TMS system needs monitoring. Findings, going back seven years, include a lack of documentation, conflicts of interest (spouses sign off on purchase orders) and general incompetence at the finance department. A state representative will be at the next board meeting to discuss issues with board members. Board members Cordova, Coca-Ruiz, and Gallegos called for the State Auditor’s forensic audit, which has confirmed the controversial Baston report. The ensuing controversy led to a recall movement, lawsuits, and political hysteria in the community.

Apparently, documentation is missing for millions of dollars in construction projects beginning in 2003; no asset inventory exists for TMS’s famed art collection or the district’s vocational, transportation, maintenance. Administrators and teachers have been promoted without district documentation of qualifications. Early indications suggest the regular yearly audit, though late, will be available soon and include equally devastating findings.

The investigation of the finance and human resources department promises to become broader and deeper. More resignations are expected. Several highly placed administrators and staff are known to patronize northern New Mexico casinos, according to Flavio. Yet some of these same TMS personnel say they don’t have the time to visit classrooms or report to the board, PED, or auditors in a punctual manner.

KCE Coop Annual Meeting

Trustees will hold the annual meeting on June 12, 2010, quorum permitting. A new parliamentarian and wireless voting method will be introduced. Members will be asked to approve several by-law changes. Whether trustees will address issues of “equal representation” for voting members remains up in the air.

Here’s a simple way to redistrict and  achieve equal representation. First of all: it’s not rocket science. A few years ago the county redistricted, as did the Taos Municipal Schools. By using an expanded version of the county model the Coop could create five geographical districts with equal numbers of members, represented by  two trustees each. The eleventh trustee could run at large. If trustees don’t respond, according to the By-laws, members could gather 2300 signatures, 10% of the membership, and call for a special “By-Law” convention to reorganize the voting districts here in Taos.

Breaking News.

Thanks to the efforts of board member Stella Gallegos and CEO Luis Reyes the TMS got a solar grant of some $250 Gs to power up the high school. Sadly, many of the KCEC Internet customers still can’t receive email this am. Is this a plot by the trustees? We’re only asking.

Erin’s Annual show

Howard Zinn, Elder and Younger (Sandino Series) m/m on panel 48 x 24 inches

Erin Currier’s annual show at Parks Gallery will focus on the brave and disappeared Journalistas on Sat. June 12 from 4 pm. Currier’s work is known for using recycled material, gathered from the country of origin. She celebrates the sensual and political in her art.