Taos Reader’s Quiz, the Artful Agenda, and other citizens’ alerts

By: Bill Whaley
23 May, 2011

Luis Reyes Kit Carson CEO


Hey Luis, where’s last year’s audit and why is it late, late, late? See prior posts if you missed Friction’s analysis of the judge’s decision and the “Whiny Trustees.”

El Prado Under Siege!

Tonight at 5 pm, a parents meeting will be held at the once and future Taos Country Day School, now called Taos Waldorf School? The 11-acre site and its assets have been hijacked by out-of-towners, according to parents. Last Thursday and Friday, a parent says water wells were drilled but for what reason?

According to Friction sources, El Prado W&S serves the facility. We are shocked by the effrontery of it all, considering the fragile condition of the Taos Pueblo Water Settlement/Abeyta Lawsuit. Where are Tele, John, Fernando, the Gov. and WarChief from Taos Pueblo? Are these the new water miners the sons and daughters of Enron or just friends of The Rumsfeld, who published a picture of El Prado with Taos Mountain as backdrop for his memoir of misdeeds?

Have the water wars begun? The culprits acted while El Prado’s Chicano Barber was otherwise engaged but Flavio knows. Is it true that the Family Dollar Store bought the field in front of Overland Sheepskin and plan on expanding storage unit architecture as the design of choice in the midst of the vega?

TMS News from the State Capital

Report to: Legislative Finance Committee, May 18, 2011 by NMPED Sec. Hanna Skandera: “Initial Findings: 9 Districts In Depth Audit”–including Taos

“The need for an in depth audit includes: severe data quality issues or could not verify data reported to the Department, could not validate records and provider service logs, could not verify students were receiving services, showed unusually high rates of ancillary services provided, overbilled the state for services provided or showed unusual trends needing additional review.”

Skandera’s analysis sounds like the Baston report revisited. When will the TMS School board wake up and smell the dying fish at CRAB Hall? Who is lying to the board?

Taos County

(See if you can separate the real from the virtual items on Tuesday’s May 24 agenda. Hint: Are outsiders trying to curtail customary practices re: nepotism? )


TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011
9:00 A.M.

Notice is hereby given that the governing body of Taos County, the Board of County Commissioners, will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at the Taos County Administration, Commission Chambers located at, 105 Albright Street, Suite A, Taos, New Mexico.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda
Withdrawn Items

Minutes -Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
April 26 ,2011- Special Meeting

Agency Requests for Funding – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
Request for funding FY 2011-2012 for the Questa EMS Department to provide Ambulance Services to the northern half of Taos County – Brent Jaramillo, Village Administrator – Village of Questa

Presentations- Discussion regarding the following:

A Presentation on Scram Ankle Monitors/ GPS Ankle Monitors for Taos County – Kenneth Gallegos

A Presentation from the Taos Fiesta Council Executive Committee thanking them for the annual donation from the Taos County Lodger’s Tax – Kathleen Branchal, Secretary

Citizens Requests Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

Request for approval for the use of the Felimon Sanchez Fields concession stand two days a week during Baseball/ Softball season and use of fields and concession for a Tournament to be determined at a later date – Rosa Flores, Owner

County Manager’s Report – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

Move Update

Update on the status of the Human Resources Director

Other: Possible policy discussions to codify hiring practices for members of La Familia

Commissioner’s Report – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

A Letter of Support for Title II Federal Funding; Rocky Mountain Youth – Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager

A Letter of Support for Title II Federal Funding; NRCS – Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager


Resolutions – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
No. 2011-24, A Resolution to revise the Official Speed Limit on County Road CB-115, West Rim Road – Rick Chavez, Public Works Director

No. 2011-25, A Resolution supporting the banning of inhumane animal trapping on New Mexico Public Lands through the use of Steel Jaw Trap, Kill-Type Trap, Snare Traps and any Modified Version of Such Traps

No. 2011-26, A Resolution Appointing Members to the Taos County Valuation Protests Board – Darlene Vigil, County Assessor

No. 2011-27, A Resolution imposing an Ad-Valorem Tax for the benefit of the Village of Taos Ski Valley

No. 2011-28, A Resolution to adopt Bridge Weight Limits on seven County Road Bridges – Rick Chavez, Public Works Director

Contracts, Agreements JPA’s MOU’s & RFP’s – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

Request for Approval of Grant Agreement Amendment #2 to DWI Grant Agreement No. 11-D-J-G-30 – Herbert Valdez, DWI Coordinator

Request for Approval of a Joint Powers Agreement with NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department and Taos County to contract for management services of the grant – Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager

Request for Approval of a Joint Powers Agreement Between Taos Soil & Water Conservation District and Taos County to partner for plan development and in-kind services for the grant – Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager

Budget Matters – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

Indigent Fund Hospital/Ambulance Claims correction – Susan Trujillo, Indigent Fund Coordinator

DFA Resolutions Dayna Duran, Finance Director

DFA Resolution No. 53, FY 2010-2011, A Resolution requesting to adjust FY 2010- 2011 Final Budget to account for the USDA-RUS Loan Funds (0417 and 0419)

DFA Resolution No. 54, A Resolution requesting to adjust the FY 2010-2011 Final Budget to account for additional excess funds from the USDA-RUS Loan Fund (0411)

DFA Resolution No. 55, A Resolution requesting to adjust the FY 2010-2011 Final Budget to increase transfer to
the Detention Fund (0226)

DFA Resolution No. 56, A Resolution requesting to transfer Permanent Cash from the NM Agency Grant Fund (3361)

DFA Resolution No. 57, A Resolution requesting to transfer Permanent Cash from the NM ARRA/DERA Grant Fund (2423)

DFA Resolution No. 58, A Resolution requesting to transfer Expenditure from the EMS Fund (0206) to the Fire Excise Fund (0222)

DFA Resolution No. 59, A Resolution requesting to Transfer Permanent Cash from the Disaster Relief Fund (0205)

Budget Line Item Adjustments – Dayna Duran, Finance Director & Department Heads

Facilities Management (0101-1090)

Public Works (0204-1600)

Project Updates – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:

Administrative/Judicial Complex – Scott Taylor, Project Representative Flintco
CCD request for needed added items attached, open book GMP $18,000
CO to ANM to stay two extra days for the IT move, $4,000

Personnel Matters- Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following: (Executive and Public Session) Informational Items/Action Items

Discussion, consideration and decisions regarding the hiring of an EMS Director. This item may be discussed in closed session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(2), which allows for discussion of limited personnel matters

Joe Mike Duran

Discussion, consideration and decisions regarding the hiring of an Assistant Road Manager for the Penasco Valley, due to extraordinary circumstances.

Discussion of Nepotism Statutes and whether they apply to small ccounties under 50,000

Legal Matters – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following: (Executive and Public Session) Informational Items/Action Item

Discussion regarding potential or threatened litigation regarding the public use of Casitas del Rio Street This matter may be discussed in executive session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(7), which allows for discussion of threatened or pending litigation

Discussion regarding the potential acquisition of a 5.7 acre parcel of land on Albright Street and Lovato Place. This matter may be discussed in executive session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(8), which allows for discussion of the purchase or acquisition of real property

Discussion regarding the potential acquisition of an approximately 0.139 acre parcel of land located on Callejon Road, a/k/a County Road A-102 This matter may be discussed in executive session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(8), which allows for discussion of the purchase or acquisition of real property

Discussion regarding the potential acquisition of La Martina Hall for a Community Center in Ranchos de Taos. This matter may be discussed in executive session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(8), which allows for discussion of the purchase or acquisition of real property.

Budget 2012 -Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
Request for Approval of Proposed Taos County FY 2012 Budget – Dayna Duran, Finance Director


If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, contact the Taos County Administration Office located at 105 Albright Street, Suite A, Taos, New Mexico as soon as possible or call (575) 737-6300.