TMS Budget In Flux & County Bans Burning

By: Bill Whaley
9 June, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011 – The Taos County Office of Emergency Management, consistent with the provisions of Taos County Ordinance 2006-6, An Ordinance Establishing a Burn/No Burn Policy in Taos County, and upon consultation with the US Forest Service Carson National Forest, has established that a state of “high fire risk” exists within the County on public and private lands.

Contributing to this decision are prolonged climate patterns of high winds, low atmospheric moisture, warm temperatures and dry soil and vegetative conditions.An additional factor is the concern that national, state and regional fire resources are spread thin covering multiple large-scale wildfires throughout New Mexico and the Southwest.

Both Taos County and Carson National Forest are therefore putting Stage I Fire Restrictions in place beginning 12:01am, Friday, June 10th, and they shall stay in place until further notice.

On public lands, Stage 1 Restrictions mean the following activities are prohibited:

1. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, wood or charcoal burning stove fire, except within a developed recreation site in grills and stoves provided by the Forest Service.

2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material.

3. Possessing, discharging or using any kind of fire work or other pyrotechnic device.

Gas and propane stoves, lanterns or heating devices are permitted provided such devices meet safety specifications.

On private lands in Taos County under the jurisdiction of the County Government, the following prohibitions apply:

1. No new burn permits will be issued

2. Any permits already issued for open burning are revoked effective 12:01 June 10th

3. There shall be no open burning of any kind, including campfires, bon fires, the burning of grass, weeds, brush, or other ground cover, piles of slash, trimmings, or other natural vegetative material, burning of construction debris or scrap wood, or burning of undercover, regardless of purpose.

4. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, on a paved street or parking lot, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material and the cigarette shall be extinguished in a fireproof receptacle or on a hard surface.

Pressurized gas grills, stoves and lanterns are permitted. Indoor fireplaces and woodstoves are permitted where a mesh spark arresting screen is used on the chimney.

In addition to the County and USFS, the Town of Red River has also adopted Stage I Fire Restrictions.

The County will be instituting a Stage 1 Ban on the use of fireworks at its Tuesday, June 14th County Commission Meeting at 9 am at the County Commission Chambers of the new County Complex at 105 Albright St., Taos, NM and the Town of Taos will be considering a Stage I Open Burning Ban later the same day.

It is important to note that while the prescribed fire restrictions are in effect throughout the County, Carson National Forest, the Rio Grande Gorge and all other recreation areas remain open for hiking, camping, kayaking and all the other outdoor activities that Taos County is well known for.

For information, residents, campers and visitors can check the USFS website at, the New Mexico Fire Information site at, or the Taos County webpage at

Members of the news media needing further information may contact the acting public information officer for this release, Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager, at 575-737-6304 (office) or 5757-776-7564 or Eletha Trujillo, Taos County Emergency Management Coordinator at 575-737-6451.

2011-12 TMS School Budget Is Still In Flux

By Lorraine Coca-Ruiz

As of last week the anticipated deficit was at $1.8 million according to TMS Financial Consultant Debbie Zurzolo. Ms. Zurzolo presented a report, detailing comparisons of the prior year and current program units.

The school board held their regular board meeting yesterday evening. The agenda was amended; the board went into executive session at 6:40 pm and returned at 8:12 pm. The executive session agenda included negotiations and personnel issues.

The negotiators were in executive session approximately 20 minutes, which means that personnel issues took up one hour and 52 minutes. Connie Wood fiscal operations manager was called into executive session a couple of times by Rod Weston, which is an indication that budget, was being discussed in executive session a violation of the open meeting act.

The budget is a pubic document and should be discussed in open meeting; again, what happened to transparency?

When the board returned to continue the meeting they were greeted with applause from those who were in attendance. By the way a representative from the governor’s office was also in attendance.

Immediately the board president announced that no decisions were made however, when it came to the approval of the 2011-2012 District Budget, the superintendent said that the budget was not ready for approval. The approval of the budget has been placed on the agenda three times. A special meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday June 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm for consideration of a budget approval–again.

After interviewing employees at CRAB hall, I was told that a termination hit list was distributed. Thomas Chuby Tafoya a board member had one of the lists. Teachers, who were given termination letters, have raised concerns that have prompted a number of district employees to fear for their jobs.

I have consistently asked in open meeting for the projected cash balance and have not received any concrete information. How long can Superintendent Rod Weston protect his salary and those of the administrators when he has no clue how much cash is in the bank?

I don’t know how the schools district personnel can even begin to enter into contract negotiations for 2011- 2012 fiscal year when they don’t even have a preliminary budget to share with T-Fuse (the union). According to some union members the negotiations are falling apart. The unions say they would like to see all community members become engaged in the process, and they hope to maintain a civilized morale among staff.

Several teachers have said maintaining decent morale will be difficult if they can’t trust their leaders. They complained they couldn’t talk to some board members about their concerns, because what they’ve said has been repeated to Weston. Any cuts should be based on budget consideration, not punitive measures.

Administrative bureaucracy deprives all students of the knowledge required for citizenship and a decent life. Parents want openness and honesty from the schools. Yet the schools operate as a “culture of dishonesty and deception.”
When students return to school in the fall there could be fewer people to help teachers and students with computers, less help for students struggling with reading in the elementary schools, and fewer people working to keep the schools clean.

I’ll be watching.