Snake Alert at CRAB Hall

By: Bill Whaley
25 June, 2011

Editor’s Note: Interested readers understand that the education system in New Mexico is under review by the Governor and legislature. Gov. Martinez and Sec. Skandera have largely focused on “administrators” as the problem. Below former TMS board member Lorraine Coca-Ruiz presents a snapshot with specific examples of how the administrators preserve their jobs and positions at the expense of kids and teachers. For years, teachers have told this reporter that the board mattered little because the CRAB Hall gang of administrators ran the schools. Apparently the new school board members  like the taste of the cool-aid.

The New Snake Handler

By Lorraine Coca-Ruiz

We simply must ensure accountability from the school district — so that these dollars don’t just wind up lining the pockets of unscrupulous administrators, as we’ve seen all too often in the past. Our fate, and the fate of our kids, is in their hands. Rod Weston and some members of the board have permitted the atmosphere of professional bullying to take root and flourish at CRAB Hall. When Weston said he was going to change the Taos School District, we thought he meant in a positive way. But he appears at ease with the so-called snakes.

The word at TMS is that Mary Ann McCann will be supervising the cafeteria staff. The question is: what are her credentials as supervisor or nutritionist?

Check out the job posting with newly created positions for TMS Administrators and a new batch of secretaries.

Guidance office, 199 day term,. for Taos High School
Student nutrition program secretary, 299 day term, for Mary Ann McCann,
Federal programs/Bilingual Secretary, 199 day term for Sandra Garcia (this means the federal programs secretary will now have a secretary.)

Esther Winter will re-take the job of Human Resources. (How much teaching has she done? Her undergraduate degree is in business.)

Sandra Martinez, a secretary, will be in-charge of the bus contractors.

The above job openings will be closing June 29, 2011.

Voter Pay-offs

The prior pink-slip assault on staff and teachers was a ruse thought up by board member Tafoya. Now the Super has used the opportunity to promote staff and create administrative positions.

Is this called restructuring? Or is it a way for Tafoya to pay off his supporters?

It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. The budget process itself was a shambles, devoid of accountability, transparency and enforcement measures.

Needed: Teachers with Degrees in Subject Matter

It is time to change the selection process and put forth the effort and money to identify and train competent instructors for our schools. Our present certification laws focus on training teachers in methodology first, not subject-matter competency. We train our teachers with degrees in education how to teach content after they are hired — as opposed to training teachers with degrees in academic subjects how to teach.

We have it backwards.

We still face issues of trust, faith and commitment, where decisions are made — or not made — that greatly impact our chances of success.

“To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” Barack H. Obama

Being educated is essential for a productive life and it is also essential for the preservation of our democracy. Failing to educate our children puts our way of life in jeopardy. If the board continues to allow one board member to run the schools, our children will become adults without the skills and training necessary to compete in society. The district can be created only with capable principals and a competent superintendent. The superintendents must lead, create an effective education program, work with unions, manage capital projects, infuse technology and education programs into management systems, deal with political leaders, know about how children learn, and have an appreciation for adolescent development.

Our children need a learning environment that improves each year. They need leaders who put children first. They need an alignment of academic programs that will get them the education they both require and deserve. Our current system of school governance cannot get the job done because jobs and power, not education, is the real goal.

Administrators still refuse to adapt to the changes that are taking place, despite the evidence that students begin to achieve at much higher levels when changes are made.

We have new board members. It’s not a question of whether they have something to contribute but do they have the confidence to contribute anything at all? We’d like to hear their views, not their silences.

It’s the children who haunt me because I know our school has failed them, and they are facing a closing window of opportunity. This breaks my heart and as a community we should all be heartbroken for all the children who we lose along the way.

Today at TMS district, the snakes have returned to CRAB Hall. They have survived. Where is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

I’ll be watching.