Astrologess Weekly Update Sept 5 – 11,

By: Johnny
5 September, 2011

Below Frictions posts Catherine Kenward’s pithy insights about life and other matters,  based on her reading of the stars and other helpful signs in the universe.
If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at by Catherine Kenward.


Monday 09/05 – Labor Day. People are active and alert this morning, ready to get out and get going. The Sag Moon trines Mercury (11:05 AM) and a sense of adventure urges us to do a little exploring or at least go visiting.
The mood has gotten sufficiently mellow by the time the Moon sextiles Neptune at 6:31 PM. Time to kick back, relax and enjoy.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 8:31 PM and thoughts turn toward the practical and the work week ahead.

Tuesday 09/06 – The mood is rather introverted and grouchy this morning (Moon conjunct Pluto at 5:00 AM) but things perk up after noon, when a Moon/Jupiter trine (2:49 PM) has folks crawling out of their shells, finally ready to meet and greet the new week. Actually, the Capricorn Moon is making a grand trine with Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun in Virgo (10:07 PM), so this turns into a power day (and night). Power, practicality and the right people come together to brainstorm and inspire. There are some interesting opportunities out there right now. Grab hold and make it happen.

Wednesday 09/07 – A friendly, helpful mood turns this into a thoroughly pleasant morning (Moon trine Venus at 10:21 AM). If you need to ask for a favor, now’s the time. Don’t wait for the afternoon because, by then, people are in a hurry and don’t have the time to even listen. Patience runs short as the Capricorn Moon opposes Mars in Cancer (2:35 PM) and tempers flare over minor mishaps.

Thursday 09/08 – The Moon moves into Aquarius at 3:42 AM.The last of three Mercury/Neptune oppositions, that have been in effect and spacing things out since the end of July, takes place today. Mercury opposes Neptune (9:27 AM) this morning so the space-out continues. People are distracted, confused or blatantly deceitful. This can also be the moment that we wake up from some fond illusion and realize that we’ve been fooling ourselves or have been taken for a ride by some con artist.

It’s an interesting morning. There are some unusual people around and conversations and events may take an unexpected turn (Moon sextile Uranus at 9:53 AM).

Mercury enters Virgo (11:59 PM) at midnight so critical thinking is about to make a come back, though it will take a few days for the Mercury/Neptune to wear off.

Friday 09/09 – It’s time to take care of business. A no-nonsense mood requires us to make up for lost time and the confusion from earlier in the week as the Moon trines practical Saturn at 10:31 AM.

Saturday 09/10 – Mercury/Neptune has it’s last hurrah this morning when the Aquarius Moon conjuncts Neptune at 11:32 AM. Is it raining? Are we completely groggy and confused? You betcha.

An opposition to Mercury at 7:06 PM means the spacey mood continues all day long and into the early evening.

But a little illusion doesn’t interfere with romance, probably even helps it along, and tonight’s Venus/Mars sextile (10:23 PM) is in the mood for love. Sparks are flying and libidos overflowing. Dedicate this weekend to love.

The Moon entered Pisces at 1:26 PM.

Sunday 09/11 – It’s a cheerful morning and certainly not as disoriented and confused as yesterday. A kind and tender mood starts the day off on the right foot as the Moon sextiles Jupiter at 9:17 AM.

Tonight’s Mercury/Pluto trine (11:27 PM) invites self-analysis as well as unusually pentrating insight into almost anything we turn our minds to.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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