The New Activism

By: Bill Whaley
28 September, 2011

From The New York Times (Sept. 27):

“As Scorn for Vote Grows, Protests Surge Around Globe”


“MADRID–Yonatan Levi, 26, called the tent cities that sprang up in Israel “a beautiful anarchy.” There were leaderless discussion circles like Internet chat rooms, governed, he said, by “emoticon” hand gestures like crossed forearms to signal disagreement with the latest speaker, hands held up and wiggling in the air for agreement — the same hand signs used in public assemblies in Spain. There were free lessons and food, based on the Internet conviction that everything should be available without charge.”

Although the mainstream or corporate news avoids mentioning it, youthful activists now occupy America’s New Crime Center on Wall St. (not far from historic Little Italy).On a local note, recent hearings and public meetings have confirmed how an alleged syndicate, supervised by members of a local  financial institution, now controls the Town, Coop (and schools). The request for a grand jury investigation of alleged corruption dealing with the Command Center is considered symbolic of the disgust expressed by citizens for the public servants who privatize the assets of taxpayers for the sake of  their cronies. The local media avoid these sensitive issues due to complicated financial relationships among the private and public entities.

(As we all know from news reports, even the public commons, the view and sky, see stories about the USAF and their photogs, are being set aside as “no trespassing”  areas by the agents of national security. See post below detailing the Moly Mine’s pollution of northern Taos County. Similarly, LANL has engaged in systemic poisoning of the environment for nigh on 70 years. It’s time for northern New Mexicans to find a new way forward.)

Concerned Citizens in Taos are seeking a grand jury investigation of the KCEC/Town of Taos Command Center Deal. Apparently the request has been spurred by what some see as irresponsible fiscal management on the part of the town. You can see and sign online



We, the undersigned residents of the Town of Taos and Taos County, request that a Grand Jury be called to investigate the following facts concerning the circumstances surrounding the Town Council’s approval of the Command Center lease between Kit Carson Electric and the Town of Taos on August 8, 2011.

a. Certain documents were withheld from the citizens of Taos County and members of the Town Council, to-wit: a 2010 letter from Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) specifying the cost to move the Command Center at $850,000; a document from Kit Carson Electric entitled “Preliminary Proposal for Town of Taos – Command Center”.

b. If the DFA’s $850,000 estimate was believed to be inaccurate, a bid or firm estimate obtained from someone qualified to furnish a bid or estimate was never obtained. A letter mentioning a $50,000 estimate was never produced.

c. Neither a cost/benefit analysis nor a method of financing the obligations created by the Command Center was resolved prior to approval of the lease.

d. It was never determined why a space of 4,500 square feet (at a rent of $5,000 per month) was needed for a dispatch center which now occupies a space of less than 1,000 square feet (rent free) and needs only 100 extra square feet for storage.

Critical information enabling an informed decision concerning this very expensive project has been systematically withheld from the Citizens of Taos County and the Town Council. Some of our leaders have violated the trust of the citizens of Taos County.