Look Before You Leap

By: Contributor
26 September, 2011

Astrologess Weekly Update Sept 26 – Oct 2, 2011

By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at www.astrologess.com

Well, it’s the week from hell. Don’t schedule anything that doesn’t absolutely have to happen now. And a lot of that will go flying out the window by mid week.

Monday 09/26 – The Moon is in Virgo for most of the day so the emphasis is on getting the job done, though that doesn’t seem to be working too well. We’re approaching a Mercury/Uranus opposition (12:31 AM) so the day is full of surprises and unexpected glitches. People change their minds out of the blue, so carefully made plans are suddenly altered.

The Moon enters Libra at 10:51 PM.

Tuesday 09/27 – Mercury’s opposition to Uranus (12:31 AM) is still going strong so there’s more startling news, with situations changing so fast that it’s hard to comprehend it all. Radical changes coming out of left field create a lot of confusion.
This morning the New Moon in Libra (5:09 AM) reflects the chaos of the moment and guarantees that we’ll be dealing with the fallout from this week’s events all month long.

People start the day feeling rather grouchy and taciturn as the Moon squares Pluto (6:35 AM). The energy level is strong but it’s probably better to work alone today.

Tonight’s Moon/Venus conjunction (12:33 AM) brings no relief and probably makes things worse as we tune into our feelings and discover how bad we really feel about recent losses.

Wednesday 09/28 – Astrologically, things are hopping tonight as we sleep, indicating there are major events in the works on the other side of the world.

The Sun and Mercury conjunct today and they both square Pluto so the repercussions from events at the beginning of the week are increasing exponentially. It’s like a boulder rolling down hill, picking up speed and knocking other rocks out of place until suddenly there’s a full fledged avalanche in process. Expect social, political and economic chaos.

Tonight, a Moon/Neptune trine (7:52 PM) helps us take the long view and calm our hearts with a spirit of acceptance.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 10:05 PM.

Thursday 09/29 – The Sun and Mercury sextile Mars (1:27 AM) so someone has formulated a plan in response to recent events. There’s more clarity of mind in evidence.

Some people are pushing too hard, trying to force something to happen and this can backfire with disastrous consequences. Take a hint and give it a rest.

“Color me blue”, says today’s Venus/Saturn conjunction (5:49 PM). A feeling of sadness is palpable as we rehearse past and present losses, griefs and bereavements.

Friday 09/30 – Venus/Saturn will still be influencing the mood today though otherwise things are quiet.

Tonight people just want to forget. A Moon/Neptune square (8:18 PM) suggests a little liquid libation or some other popular form of relaxation.

The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 10:42 PM.

Saturday 10/01 – It’s an energetic morning as a Moon/Mars trine (11:29 AM) perks things up. It’s a good day for all types of communication. People are seeking sympathetic company to share their views and concerns. Get together with friends, there’s a lot to talk about.

Sunday 10/02 – In effect for the next several days, Mars square Jupiter (11:21 PM) is famous for it’s abundant energy and terrible sense of timing, for making the right move at the wrong time. Because of this, Mars square Jupiter can be very accident-prone. Try and control your exuberance and look before you leap into action.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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