Food Not Banks—Food Not Bombs

By: Bill Whaley
4 October, 2011

Food Not Bombs national organizer and local resident, Keith McHenry, has told supporters he will be joining the Occupation forces of “Food not Banks” in Chicago. We expect him to be arrested by that city’s jack-booted brotherhood. (According to news reports, the banking fraternity is donating millions of dollars to the “White Shirt” foundation at NYPD in an effort to compromise class collaboration.) The greedheads (a Hunter S. Thompson sobriquet) are concerned at the crime center on Wall St.—as signs of dissatisfaction with current capitalism spread across the country via social networking.

Are Drone attacks on protestors in the offing or just nightsticks?

As many of you know, 700 protesters were arrested in New York City by blue and white shirted cops. For the sake of argument and round numbers, let’s say the Gotham has 7 million folks. So that’s one protester for every 10,000 people.

Here in Taos Jeff Northrup, (pointing the way to court for the mayor) the sole political protestor in the Town of Taos, population, 5000 or less (actually less, despite it’s almost 200 employees), has been arrested and/or charged twice by the Mayor’s Cowboy Cops—Superman led–and so-called code enforcers. So Taos itself has a higher ratio of arrests to protestors than does New York City.

The Gadfly has yet to be charged in Taos County—though once he was reprimanded by the TCSO, per commissioners. But our anti-homeless (voted against the men’s shelter), anti-entrepreneurial (voted against La Martina), anti-homeowner (voted to violate the CC&Rs on behalf of The Outlaw) county commissioners have since pulled back from censoring the sign man. So we still have free speech in the county. But a brand new jail for the violators.

In the picture, right, we see Mr. Northrup, looking for the mayor thru binoculars  at Municipal Court for the no-show Mayor, who may be hanging out at Shadows, reportedly his newest venture.

We wish El Cordova Cabeza the best of luck but remind him, based on experience, that the cantina and comida business is way more challenging than selling hot air on radio —especially when you have a Singer to manage the house of DMC but a mere DJ at Shadows.

Meanwhile, Northrup says he’d like to meet with the Mayor anytime, anywhere but personally at Judge Sanchez’s chambers to debate the vague regs governing town “right-of-ways,” First Amendment Concerns, and the Grand Jury inquiry regarding the Command Center sweetheart deal that bailed the Rabbit out of trouble with his trustees, and so forth, and so on.

The question is: Will Jeff become a fixture across the street from the Mayor’s new party house for primos–soon to be renamed?

According to those who listen to the 4 radio stations, the Mayor is evading the Gadfly, while letting his shills, reportedly, attack the Tom Paine of Taos, where we are now “occupado” by the forces for honest government. We’re not sure if the new slogan should be “Fairness, not Bribery” or “Fairness, not Blackmail.” Something weird is going on in the community.

The anecdotal polls suggest Jeff is becoming more popular and folks are beginning to think of him as fondly as they once did of Paulie, Filiberto, and Sheriff Doncito. Perhaps we can get Ed Sandoval to immortalize the Sign Man on one of his paintings. It’s time for Big Ed to break out of the Amarante mold and step into the 21st Century Hall of Heroes.

Looking forward (like Jeff): Due to the economic downturn and a variety of restless politicians, you will see an explosion of interest in next year’s 2012 election cycle on the local front. Forget the dwarfs running for president on the GOP side. Here’s a “more or less” summary of local opportunity: Taos Town Council, 2 positions, Feb.; KCEC Coop, 7 positions, Spring; For the June Primary: District Court Judges, 2 positions; County Commissioners, 2 positions; County Clerk and Treasurer, 2 positions; DA, 1 position. This is all coming off the top of my head and I could be off a position or two but buckle up my friends—it promises to be a very dirty year, does 2012.

BTW: Major Taos Republicans have thrown their hats into the ring as possible replacements for Jerome Block. We’ll let the mainstream news reveal the names but the Friction knows. Not cheaper gas but free gas is the new campaign slogan at the PRC: “Filler-up on me.” Ain’t it great?


It appears to me that the few “citizens” of Taos who are trying to supress Jeff’s (and I’m sure other’s) 1st Amendment rights are thumbing their noses at the Constitution of the United States…which, seems to be, a form of treason…These few people should go and live in a country that allows Dictatorship…they are truely un-American and shouldn’t be allowed to work for or run any government agency in the United States of America….even the our own little local government…We citizens of this great country, have fought for our rights…starting with the British.

To suppress these rights is, definitely, a declaration of war on our country….we fight all over the globe to help others achieve democracy, yet we have anti-democratic factions right here in little Taos, New Mexico….

Thanks for your time….

Jan Enright

Editor’s Note: On Wed. Oct. 5, Mr. Northrup was seen, holding sign aloft, standing in the median on Highway 68, across from the Albertson’s grocery store and parking lot. Neither town regulators nor the threat of incarceration seem to slow down the intrepid protester’s calls for justice.