Hurry-Up Announcements

By: Bill Whaley
22 June, 2010

Secret Meeting

The Taos Regional Water planners will hold their secret meeting today, Tuesday, at 10 at town facilities on Civic Plaza Drive. The public is welcome to attend.

Taos County

Warning to residents: The County Commissioners bear watching at their meeting today, Tuesday. A moratorium on subdivision development, permit for the “Outlaw Garage,” and request for zone change in Upper Las Colonias are on the agenda. Interested observers will learn much about the county’s policy of permitting “unfettered free enterprise” in residential neighborhoods and whether or not neighborhood restrictions and real estate development take first or second place to the importance of cuates and cronies, who build 9,000 square foot facilities for hobby horses in their yards.

Taos Municipal Schools

Budget maven Gene Sanchez will discuss education finance issues on KTAO RADIO on Wed. June 23, at 9:15 am. The event will be broadcast live and streamed live to a worldwide audience on the global Internet. Sanchez, who has denied that he is running for the school board, will focus on recent audits of the school system. Documentation for millions of dollars during the last decade have disappeared from the CRAB Hall files just as hundreds of students have disappeared from the school system.

Despite the turmoil of the last year, ever since Stella Gallegos has made common cause with the controversial duo of Cordova and Coca-Ruiz, graduation rates jumped by 30%, according to PED stats. The threesome has dragged the finance department kicking and screaming into the glare of the public spotlight and Sanchez aims to tell listeners about it. But who will talk about curriculum? What are the students being taught? What knowledge base is being implemented. Curriculum is another secret.

Town of Taos

The contractor on the town’s soccer field project has begun—almost a year after TMS completed the new athletic field complex at THS–and the dust is flying. While the Mayor called for the school board’s replacement, the board has been doing its due diligence. Now, we want to know what the Mayor and Council are doing about their  due diligence: the violation of the procurement code and shoddy construction at the swimming pool and the violation of anti-donation clauses, etc. at the Chamisa Verde affordable housing complex.

The town has given, reportedly, a fifteen thousand dollar raise to their 28-year-old rookie sensation, Manager Daniel Miera. Taxpayers want accountability for the crimes committed in the past. Let’s get the bloodhound on the scent.

Kit Carson Coop

While the trustees sleep or ignore calls for redistricting, activist Jerome Lucero has been awake and doing research. The REA (Rural Electrification Administration) calls for “the same number of members” in voting districts, according to Article IV, Section 3, paragraph A in their model bylaws. KCEC refers to itself as a progressive coop in comparison to other New Mexico coops but the patronage system is alive and well. Gerrymandered districts support minority control of the Coop by outside interests. While the Coop urges the community to support new debt of $20 million for Broadband communication, the Kit Carson Internet has been failing its email customers. Que pasa con this picture?