Announcements for TMS & County Activists

By: Bill Whaley
24 October, 2011

Below, the Friction provides teachers a preview of the new ethics and accountability requirement for employees. Read it and weep. The document aims at introducing a new subject to staff. TMS employees will sign the following or else today at a volunteer budget meeting, Monday at 4:00 pm at the middle school.

Taos Municipal School District

Model Form for Board Member/Employee
Disclosure Pursuant to the New Mexico. Governmental Conduct Act

Name: _ Date: -_/ __/_–
Position: _
School or Location of Duty Assignment: _

I, as an employee or public official of the Taos Municipal
Schools, am required to make this disclosure of potential conflicts of interest pursuant to the
Governmental Conduct Act (NMSA 1978, § 10-16-1 et seq.):

1) I shall maintain, at all times, the integrity and ethically high responsibilities of public
service and discharge my duties in the same manner.

2) I shall conduct myself in a manner that justifies the confidence placed in me by the public.

3) I shall treat my position with the Taos Municipal School District as a public trust and shall use the powers and resources of my position to advance the public interest and not to obtain personal benefits or pursue private interests.

4) I shall not request or receive nor offer a legislator, public official, or public employee any money, thing of value, or promise thereof that is conditional upon or given in exchange for the promised performance of an official act.

5) I shall not directly or indirectly coerce or attempt to coerce another public officer or employee to pay, lend, or contribute anything of value to a party, committee, organization, agency, or person for a political purpose. I shall not directly or indirectly coerce or attempt to coerce the political activities of another employee when they are acting as a private citizen.

6) I shall not use or disclose confidential information acquired by virtue of my position with the Taos Municipal Schools for my or another’s private gain.

7) I shall fully disclose real or potential conflicts of interest and shall make reasonable efforts to avoid undue influence and abuse of my position.

8 ) I arn I am not (circle one) engaged in any employment outside of the Taos Municipal Schools. If you answered that you are engaged in outside employment, please identify below the name of the employer, your position, a summary of your duties, and whether or not the employer has a contract with the Taos Municipal


Employer; date of hire; hours of work per week:
Position and description of duties:
Does employer contract with the Taos Municipal School District: Yes __ No _

9) Please identify and describe below any business in which you, or a family member (spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, and/or child), haslhave a financial or substantial interest. Financial interest means an ownership interest in a business or any employment or prospective employment for which negotiations have already begun. Substantial interest means an ownership interest of a business that is greater than 20%.

Business: ——————————

Type of Interest: Financial Substantial _
Interested Person: Myself Family Member (identify relationship)
I will not participate in any decision or action involving the business identified in this section unless permitted to do so by the Governmental Conduct Act.

10) The statements contained herein are based on my personal knowledge and are true and correct. I understand that failure to comply with the above provisions and the Governmental Conduct Act may be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal, demotion, or suspension, and may be punishable in criminal or civil court.

I understand that it is my responsibility to update the disclosure if a new financial interest or employment occurs prior to the annual review of this document.

Name: (Print)
Signature: _
Date: ———



9:30 A.M.

Notice is hereby given that the governing body of Taos County, the Board of County Commissioners, will hold a WorkStudy Session on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will take place at the Taos County Commission Chambers located at, 105 Albright Street, Room 106, Taos, New Mexico.

(Editor’s Note: Local Citizens are urged to attend and help the county streamline government and stimulate a vision for the 22nd Century. According to several county insiders, the prospect of losing Nick Jaramillo means the county will soon be without meaningful leadership or a general organizing principle due to term limits. Commissioners are asking the public for help to prepare for the Czar’s departure.)


Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda
Withdrawn Items

Re Organization – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following: Discussion on the Taos County Strategic Re-Organization Plan
