Breaking News: Corrupt Practices at Town Hall

By: Bill Whaley
27 October, 2011

“It’s time to take the crony out of capitalism, right here at home.”–(NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, October 26, 2011, NYT)

In Taos, the KCEC Trustees (Self-dealing travel), County Commissioners (Contract for Gravel Gerty), Crab Hall Administrators (Higher Pay), Mayor and majority of Town Council (Coop Contracts) also work their ends for the “Contracts for Cronies” program as organizing principle–like Wall St. and Washington D.C.

Hey, a little corruption makes the wheels turn–we’re not naive. But too much corruption creates inequality and destabilizes society. For instance, this morning we hear that KCEC has employed and/or otherwise leased land for Broadband from relatives of the Trustees. T’was always thus.

At the Tuesday Town Council meeting,Oct. 25, no essential business was transacted–because no quorum–because a councilman crony was working his contract for the KCEC, according to reports. Thus the Coop calls the shots at the Town.

Read about it here and weep for the loss of democracy. Where is John Painter’s Wite-Out when we need it to rewrite those contracts? Eh?