Astro Update and Lawrence in Taos

By: Contributor
14 November, 2011

Astrologess Weekly Update Nov 14 – 20, 2011
By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at

Monday 11/14 – It may be a restless night for many since there’s a lot of astrological activity in the wee hours of the morning but people wake up in a good mood, none the less, due to a cheerful sextile between the Moon in Cancer and Jupiter in Taurus (6:22 AM). Linger at home for a cozy, extra couple of hours.

Later on there’s some conflict between the desire to stay home and the need to get out and take care of business (Moon opposition Pluto at 11:26 AM).

Tuesday 11/15 – It’s a quiet day.

The evening is flavored by a harmonious Sun/Moon trine (9:03 PM) but energy levels are low and an early bed time is the best way to preempt an onset of the blues as the Moon moves into a square with Saturn (10:22 PM).

Wednesday 11/16 – The Moon enters Leo at 9:17 AM.
This dynamic day gets off to a roaring start when the Moon trines Uranus (10:54 AM). People are bursting with energy and enthusiasm but tend to overestimate their resources and capabilities (Moon square Jupiter at 2:33 PM). It’s really a great day, just don’t over do it.

The middle of the week is marked by increased energy and practical inspiration as Mars in Virgo trines Jupiter (3:08 PM). This a good time to implement a new business plan or strategy.

Thursday 11/17 – It’s a lovely day, full of creativity, innovation and pleasant company. The Leo Moon trines Mercury (5:08 PM) and Venus (8:59 PM) which have been traveling side by side in Sagitarrius since the end of October. This is a great evening to entertain or go out for a bit of fun.

Friday 11/18 – The morning hours are rather spaced out and confused. Avoid mistakes and mix-ups by taking it easy until after the Moon opposes Neptune (12:06 PM).
This day doesn’t really get going until the Moon moves into Virgo at 3:19 PM.

The Mars/Jupiter trine is going strong tonight as the Moon trines Jupiter (7:50 PM) and conjuncts Mars (10:12 PM). Moon/Mars in Virgo needs vigorous physical activity as an outlet for its abundant energies. Go dancing or workout at the gym but one way or another you need to get moving.

Saturday 11/19 – It’s a rather quiet day. There’s not much happening until later tonight when the Moon squares Mercury (11:51 PM) when people suddenly get restless. This makes sleep fitful and dreams busy.

Sunday 11/20 – This week’s burst of energy begins to power down as Neptune moves into the forefront (Sun square Neptune at 1:44 PM). This mystical, psychic influence is best enjoyed in peace and quiet. Trying to tackle the practical will result in confusion, omission and work that needs to be redone later on. So take a day of rest and commune with your higher nature.

*All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

Lawrence in Taos

From, Monday 14 November 2011 05,

thanks to Google Alerts, Ms. Rumens brought the following to our attention. We apologize for the formatting but poetry frequently challenges our techo-repro skills.

Autumn at Taos

Over the rounded sides of the Rockies, the aspens of autumn,
The aspens of autumn,
Like yellow hair of a tigress brindled with pines.

Down on my hearth-rug of desert, sage of the mesa,
An ash-grey pelt
Of wolf all hairy and level, a wolf’s wild pelt.

Trot-trot to the mottled foot-hills, cedar-mottled and pinion;
Did you ever see an otter?
Silvery-sided, fish-fanged, fierce-faced, whiskered, mottled.

When I trot my little pony through the aspen-trees of the canyon,

Behold me trotting at ease betwixt the slopes of the golden
Great and glistening-feathered legs of the hawk of Horus;
The golden hawk of Horus

Astride above me.

But under the pines
I go slowly
As under the hairy belly of a great black bear.

Glad to emerge and look back
On the yellow, pointed aspen-trees laid one on another like feathers,

Feather over feather on the breast of the great and golden

Hawk as I say of Horus.

Pleased to be out in the sage and the pine fish-dotted foothills,
Past the otter’s whiskers,
On to the fur of the wolf-pelt that strews the plain.

And then to look back to the rounded sides of the squatting Rockies.

Tigress brindled with aspen,
Jaguar-splashed, puma-yellow, leopard-livid slopes of America.

Make big eyes, little pony,
At all these skins of wild beasts;
They won’t hurt you.

Fangs and claws and talons and beaks and hawk-eyes
Are nerveless just now.
So be easy.–D.H.Lawrence