Town Announces Candidates for Council

By: Bill Whaley
11 January, 2012

(Editor’s Note. Below Taos Friction posts an announcement from the Town of Taos.  Apparently, Councilman Gene Sanchez is not a candidate for re-election. “I have accomplished what I set out to do,” chuckled Mr. Sanchez. “I’m leaving the town in the capable hands of my colleagues. The Town has never been more open, transparent, or honest.” Mr. Sanchez is retiring to his gardening chores. Town critic and sign man, Jeff Northrup disagrees with the Sanchez assessment  but he has been defanged by regulators, according to correspondence received from the gadfly himself.)

Town of Taos Announces Candidates for Council

(Updated Town of Taos Council Candidate roster from Renee Lucero, Clerk, including emails)

Council member (Entered in order of appearance)



Mailing Address

Email Address

Linda N. Knief
416 Liebert St. #10

Andrew T. Gonzales
227 Ranchitos Rd.
P.O. Box 145, Taos

Amy J. Quintana
402 Vigil St.
P.O. Box 2718, Taos

Judith Y. Cantu
531 Dolan St.
5360 NDCBU, Taos

Frederick A. Peralta
516 San Miguel

Pavel Lukes
502 Los Pandos