Astrologess Weekly Update Jan 16 – 22, 2012

By: Contributor
17 January, 2012

From Catherine Kenward

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Monday 01/16 – It’s another slow Monday as the Moon conjuncts Saturn (8:00 AM) first thing. Take it slow until a Moon/Jupiter opposition (11:34 AM) begins to perk things up. The Moon enters Scorpio at 9:33 AM. It turns into a very pleasant afternoon when the Moon trines Venus in tenderhearted Pisces (3:05 PM). This is a great time to get together with a close friend or loved one.

Tuesday 01/17 – This is a mentally active day that’s good for any kind of communication or meeting, especially this morning when the Moon sextiles Mercury (9:24 AM). There’s a burst of energy tonight around midnight (Moon sextile Mars at 12:24 AM – Wednesday morning) so it may be hard to get much sleep.

Wednesday 01/18 – It’s a pleasant morning that starts out on a harmonious note (Moon/Sun sextile at 9:00 AM). The mood is rather dreamy and spaced out but that’s OK since there’s no rush, just relax and enjoy a quiet moment (Moon square Neptune at 11:32 AM). The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 12:29 PM. There’ll be time enough to get things done this afternoon when the Moon trines Uranus (2:41 PM) and the pace picks up.
It’s an enjoyable evening. A Moon/Venus square (10:47 PM) puts people in the mood for a little entertainment.

Thursday 01/19 – That tired feeling has been percolating throughout the week and today’s Sun/Saturn square (2:20 PM) is the reason why. Low energy and rather bluesy, Sun/Saturn is not a lot of fun but it can be the motivation we need for taking care of some rather pressing business.

Friday 01/20 – The Sun enters Aquarius at 9:10 AM. People are intensely emotional today as Venus sextiles Pluto (1:31 PM). There’s a tendency to take everything a little too personally. The feelings that come up now can be very positive or quite negative but there’s not much middle ground. Passion rules the day. The mood is serious and conversation reflects this. People want to talk about subjects that really matter to them and have little patience with chit-chat (The Moon sextiles Saturn at 2:21 PM and Neptune at 2:50 PM). The Moon enters Capricorn at 3:40 PM. This evening it’s time for a walk on the wild side when a Moon/Uranus square (6:02 PM) has folks ready for a little excitement. A simultaneous Moon/Jupiter trine (6:17 PM) tones down the more accident-prone side of Uranus and highlights the lucky potential inherent in this alignment.

Saturday 01/21 – Last night’s adventurous mood sets the tone for the weekend. An early morning Moon/Venus sextile (7:00 AM) gets the day off to a sweet start. There’s a certain electricity in the air. People are in the mood for something different and there’s a growing sense of excitement as the Sun prepares to sextile Uranus (6:21 PM) and square Jupiter (11:35 PM). Interesting people come out of the woodwork and fortunate events have a feeling of destiny about them.

Sunday 01/22 – The morning hours are powered by a Moon/Mars trine (7:42 AM) but things slow down as the day proceeds toward this evening’s rather depressing Moon/Saturn square (6:38 PM). This is the dark of the Moon, that quiet time just before the Moon is New. Actually, things do perk up again later on when the Moon highlights Uranus (10:27 PM) and Jupiter (10:56 PM), the two planets that have been in the spotlight all weekend, and night owls get a sudden burst of inspiration.
Tonight the Moon is New in 2 degrees of Aquarius at 12:39 AM – on Monday morning.

*All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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