Citizens Plead for Spanish: Mayor Pleads for Harmony

By: Bill Whaley
24 January, 2012

(Nation) Four fugitives from the GOP “Survivor” primaries showed up for the first debate of the next show in Florida. As candidates vie for votes, they actually discuss the issues with some heat. Ron Paul has come out against foreign wars, empire building, and is all for letting bankers fall flat on their faces (No more bailouts, eh Wall Street?) Mitt Romney called “predatory” by competitors made a ton of money in the financial markets but says free markets need to be “regulated.” (Sounds un-American!) Newt Gingrich hired out as a historian (not a lobbyist) to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae for $1.6 million and won in South Carolina by playing the race card and attacking the media (Retro Man). Rick Santorum is all for throwing down on Iran if they get sticky about the Gulf of Hormuz—He’s Mr. Pro-War/Pro-life. Demos, meanwhile, worry that a grass roots movement to replace Bambi Obama with Hillary Con Cojones is gaining steam.

(Taos County) At a county commission meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 24, a semi-full house showed up to hear about the new LUDC. Folks from Arroyo Seco, Desmontes, Arroyo Hondo, and Valdez worry that English-only copies of the code deprive elders and non-English speakers of access to the proscriptions, prescriptions, and descriptions of land use regs. The commission took the issue of translating English into Spanish under advisement as Los Politicos glared at La Pleve.

(Comment: In fairness to the commissioners, the sleepy Seco folks et al have got a late start on LUDC issues. Many of the other neighborhoods were involved from the beginning as one can see from reading the document itself. Andale!)

(Town of Taos) During the public forum, citizens spoke about the expense of moving E911 to the KCEC Command Center, some $600,000 plus but more studies are coming. The proposed move is growing increasingly controversial.

The ongoing controversy surrounding the remediation of the 1800’s era Spring Ditch is in court (again). According to the Mayordomo, the Town refuses to mediate the issue. Indeed, this reporter attended meetings where common sensical and practical solutions were discussed by experts in the field. According to the documents and studies, the Town screwed up the ditch and owes it to the parcientes to fix the problem. The evidence is overwhelming. 

Everyone is happy about the low price of gas at Smith’s but the continuing confiscation of a protester’s signs is beginning to wear on the Mayor and his nemesis. Both appear a little crazed by their personal animus. The town has reportedly hired a special prosecutor out of Las Vegas to chase down the sign man. It’s all getting a bit crude.

Oh, yes, the Taos Sports Authority announced a number of events scheduled this spring at the new Eco—FiFa—approved soccer facility. More high altitude events are coming, too. Good news for all.

Due to the hard economic times,  the Mayor made a plea to his petty-minded critics for some community harmony. Less controversy. In all seriousness, we need more civility.

But if a Mayor  makes decisions that appear irresponsible or add fuel to an already burning  fire–KCEC Command Center, harassment of a single individual–and then chastises the community members for behaving badly he need only look in the mirror for the source of the fire starter. 

It is up to community leaders to anticipate controversy and tamp down the flames, whether it’s about Spanish speakers, acequia rights, expensive propositions, or controversial protests.

Here’s the PIO’s summary of the Town’s Business

Approved – New pay and classification plan for Town of Taos Police Department. This is a significant first step in a continuing update of this program. Move is meant to make Taos more competitive in attracting and retaining police recruits and staff. See attached for what was presented today about new payscale, advancement opportunities and expectations, and overall benefit package. Total package equates to a more competitive, statewide position for the Department.

Approved – Resolution 12-08, which authorizes Town of Taos staff to pursue all necessary code enforcement actions for a dilapidated structure located at 110 Siler Road – up to and including total abatement of the site (demolition of the structure; this is the old Bigby’s pool hall structure). Same type of action approved for 625 Paseo del Norte (the Old Pueblo Cafe; property is listed for sale), Resolution 12-09. Note: Councilmember Michael Silva abstained from voting on these items since he could be considered for demolition contracts. And Hacienda Inn? Town needs to hire a structural engineer to complete an updated, completed assessment prior to the Town taking the next step by resolution.

Consent agenda, approved. Special notes: Dennis Garcia replaces Jim Thompson on the Town of Taos Planning & Zoning Commission for a 2 year term. Rachel Prinz replaces Judith Cantu for a 2-year term, and Cynthia Spray is reappointed for a 2-year term, on the Town of Taos Historic Preservation Board.

Julia Espinosa, participated in today’s Council meeting as the new Youth Council Member.

Progress of the long-term lease for the Town of Taos’ Don Fernando Hall by the High Altitude Athletics (HAA) – Interim Town Manager Abigail Adame reported. $3,400 fair market monthly rent estimate – proposed that initial $1,000 be in cash and balance in in-kind services; once locker area improvements completed by Town of Taos Facilities Department, cash rent would increase to $1,500 with balance provided through in-kind services. Proposal by HAA for in-kind, measurable services to be received by Council for consideration/evaluation. Per town attorney opinion, scholarships for low income/youth can be accepted as part of proposed in-kind services for municipal leases.

Approved. Ordinance 12-02 – an ordinance adopting the boundaries of the Town of Taos Arts & Cultural District (ACD). Please email Matthew Foster for the map, This boundary map approval is required by the State of New Mexico due to ACD tax benefit eligibility for those properties. Boundary is roughly an enlarged map of the Town of Taos Historic Overlay Zone (again, with extensions).,

Burglar Alert!

Blueberry Hill burglaries are up, up, up. Residents suspect sophisticated second-story robbers have moved over from Arroyo Seco and Upper Las Colonias to Blueberry Hill as well as the Weimer/Maestas Road area. According to reports, the robbers case the joints, go in to both empty and occupied homes, and steal stuff. Neighbors say a white van has been hitting vacant second homes and loading up household items. A couple of people described the burglars as fairly sophisticated in terms of their taste and knowledge of the goods—stealing saleable art and electronics first, leaving the other stuff for later.

Get two dogs: One to bark and wake up a second big mean guy with gnarly teeth.