Astrologess Weekly Update Feb 13 – 19, 2012

By: Contributor
12 February, 2012

By Catherine Kenward

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Monday 02/13 – There is an interesting combination of energies this week as Neptune and Saturn are highlighted. Saturn influences us to take responsibility and work with discipline and dedication, and Saturn brings us into situations that require these qualities. Neptune is about idealism, spirituality and fantasy. Its darker aspects are addiction, delusion and dishonesty. The two energies are quite different from each other and make an uneasy combination. At its best, the combo of Saturn and Neptune motivate very altruistic, selfless actions meant to help those that cannot help themselves. Focus on spiritual practice is aided by these planetary influences, giving the dedication and desire needed to really concentrate on a spiritual discipline. Saturn and Neptune are harder on those that do not have a strong belief structure, resulting in depression and addictive tendencies asserting themselves.

Mercury trines Saturn (11:44 AM) so there’s a sizable to-do list and we start with the intention to get a lot accomplished but we’re already under the influence of this evening’s Mercury/Neptune conjunction (11:48 PM) which can undermine our plans. Mercury/Neptune does not lend itself to detail work and if you insist on tackling a precision task you’ll find that critical mistakes and omissions will require your work to be revised or redone later on. This can be a very creative energy though, making this is a good time for inspiration and insight, just save the details for later.
Mercury enters Pisces (6:38 PM). Mercury in Pisces has a strongly devotional bent. It is mystical and empathic but not strong on logic or objectivity.

Tuesday 02/14 – It’s Valentine’s Day. The space-out continues today as the Moon squares the Sun (10:04 AM), Neptune (6:40 PM) and Mercury (9:28 PM), highlighting yesterday’s alignments. This would be a great week for a mini-retreat. Dedicate it to spending some quiet time getting in touch with the deeper aspects of your soul, unconscious, spirit – whatever you prefer to call it. The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 5:56 PM.

Wednesday 02/15 – The Sag Moon trines Venus in Aries (8:53 PM) so the morning starts off with a burst of enthusiasm and anticipation. Passions are running strong today so people may get a little carried away with the intensity of their feelings as Venus squares Pluto (11:31 AM). Venus/Pluto brings up feelings of abandonment and betrayal from the past and there’s a tendency to project them on current situations that aren’t necessarily as bad as we fear.

Thursday 02/16 – The mood becomes more optimistic thanks to a cheery Mercury/Jupiter sextile (9:07 AM). It’s easier to see the possibilities for positive change and be more appreciative of our many blessings. All the positive aspects of this week’s lineup are in evidence as the Moon sextiles the Sun (6:08 PM), Saturn (9:03 PM) and Neptune (10:57 PM). The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:03 PM.

Friday 02/17 – People wake up in a great mood today. The morning hours highlight yesterday’s upbeat mood as the Moon trines Jupiter (6:44 AM) and sextiles Mercury (9:51 AM). If you need to get in touch with someone, do it now. The mood changes after lunch when we revisit Wednesday’s Venus/Pluto square. Suddenly people are moody and taciturn and you’d better watch what you say. A careless turn of a phrase can really send someone off the deep end as the Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto (1:41 PM) and squares Venus (6:17 PM). Moon/Pluto often needs to spend some time alone.

Saturday 02/18 – This morning there’s a lot of practical energy available to catch up on work that was deferred earlier in the week (Moon trine Mars in Virgo at 7:33 AM) and the Sun’s trine to Saturn (9:02 AM) helps lend us the discipline and focus necessary to get the job done. Assisted by a sextile between Mercury and Pluto (2:32 PM), an aspect noted for its almost obsessive level of concentration, this day allows us to accomplish a phenomenal amount of mental work or study. The Sun moves into Pisces (11:18 PM).

Sunday 02/19 – The Moon moves into Aquarius at 3:28.  The morning hours are vibrant, interesting, even exciting and the mood is jovial and outgoing as the Moon sextiles Uranus (8:14 AM) and squares Jupiter (1:02 PM). This afternoon’s Sun/Neptune conjunction (1:42 PM) is similar to Monday’s Mercury/Neptune conjunction and has us rehearsing themes from earlier in the week. Since Neptune is associated with precipitation, hopefully we’ll be seeing more wet stuff falling from the sky. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

*All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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