Mayor Responds to “Radical”

By: Contributor
2 March, 2012

“KOB Channel 4 from Abq. will be running a story on my picketing on their news tonight at 10 pm.  A photographer was in Taos yesterday, and luckily (???) the cops gave me a ticket and confiscated my 11 signs and 11 step stools for the cameras.  Took five cops, including the chief, to get this job done, a 15 minute job for this 65 year old pensioner if I do it myself. “–Jeff Northrup 


Hi Bill,

I hope all is well. Obviously you are on one of your misinformed rampages again! I had promised myself not to waste my time in trying to properly communicate with you, but it is obvious that you will do anything to attack my character to satisfy a FEW of your radical friends. I guess I expected more from you as I always felt (based on our friendship and history) you would look at things from a common sense stand point. I will not address the nonsense you bring up about Mr. Northrup, quite frankly it’s not worth my time. I will address your intent to create friction and jealousy between me as a musician, and the guys from Mezcal. Since you are grossly misinformed by what took place at the New Mexico Hispano Music Awards, I will inform you since it is more important for you to pass on misinformation in an effort to carry out your personal attacks on me.

For your information, I did not submit any recordings to the NMHMA this year simply because I nor my kids had a new release that qualified. It’s that simple! There have been many years that I have not submitted for this reason. In fact, although I did not attend because I was recording that weekend, I sent a text message that very evening to my friend Ernie Marquez congratulating him and Mezcal on a job well done. In my text message, I told Ernie “Congratulations, well deserved” and “Mezcal should have won Song of the Year and Band of the Year because I felt that they were without a doubt, deserving of those awards as well. Based on your erroneous comments, one can only wonder if your intent was to drive a wedge between two of the most popular Spanish bands in New Mexico. I assure you that if that was your intent, you will not succeed. Since music is an art, I respect all musicians regardless of their award winning status.

You also tried to criticize “tension at Town Hall” spilling over to my businesses. This clearly shows your intent to now frivolously attack my businesses. I pride myself on the way I treat my employees. I treat them with respect, dignity, and do everything in my power to set them up for a successful career in my business or at Town Hall. However, many employees are not capable of following company policies and refuse to be held accountable. The only difference with me is that I do have the courage to make the tough decisions regardless of political or popularity ramifications. Obviously you do not know what takes place in my businesses. I would never question nor criticize a business owner’s decision without knowing the facts. Of course, in the private sector it would not be my business to pass judgment either way. With regards to Town Hall, and any shake ups at Town Hall, I agree, yes, that is your business. And all that I will tell you is that I do have the courage to shake things up if employees refuse to be held accountable and fail to work in the best interest of the citizens. That’s what I was elected to do. Just because you or others do not agree, I will not sit on the fence and hold back from making a decision. I’ve learned that with you and others in your circle, the only time you are a friend is when I am expected to support your, and only your agenda.

Bill, it appears that you and my detractors, because of your disagreement with my decision on the command center will desperately try to find something on me to criticize. I have realized that no matter how hard I try to communicate with you or these types of people, whatever I do will never be good enough. I have accomplished many positive things during my tenure as Mayor that you are not capable of or refuse to recognize. I came in to hold employees accountable and push government to its limits to work on behalf of constituents. Many employees get it, and those that do not will be held accountable without exception and regardless of their political influences. Again, I have the courage to make these tough decisions.

In closing, any time you feel you want to get the facts, please do not hesitate to call me. You have all of my contact information. I have always made myself available to you and any other constituent including all media. I always return my calls regardless of the issue. Bill, if you really care about making a difference and improving things, I encourage you to have diplomatic communications with those in positions to make a difference. It really works! If your intention is ill-willed and is to intentionally harm someone’s character, livelihood, or family, all I can say is “May God be with you”.

