Astrologess Weekly Update Mar 12 – 18, 2012

By: Contributor
12 March, 2012

By Catherine Kenward

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Monday 03/12 – Wow. It’s a powerhouse of a week featuring an amazing planetary line-up and seven major aspects. Mercury goes retrograde this morning at 1:49 AM. This retrograde takes Mercury back and forth over its recent conjunction to Uranus (3/5), so more unexpected events and sudden changes of plan are in the works this next six weeks. People change their minds, then change their minds again. Look back to 3/5 to get an understanding of how this will be affecting you. These surprises can be pleasant ones. Time to get flexible.

Jupiter trines Pluto (10:31 PM). Jupiter in Taurus has made two trines to Pluto since last summer (7/7/11 & 10/28/11). This is the third and final pass and solidifies the gains we’ve made during this period. Remember what you started (or started planning) at that time and compare it to where you are now to see how things have progressed.

Tuesday 03/13 – The first three days of the week are really quite amazing. Four planets are lined up in a grand trine in the earth signs. Many will have noticed the beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the western sky just after sunset. If not, get out and take a look. The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 12:53 AM. People are bounding out of bed this morning, full of enthusiasm and plans for the day. The Moon trines Uranus at 7:25 AM and Mercury at 12:09 PM, so an exciting pace sweeps us through the day. It’s not until late afternoon that people start to tire but are still pushing hard, too hard. Tempers flare and confrontations pop up out of nowhere as the Moon squares Mars (5:32 PM).

Try and take a break before then so you’ll be ready for a very special evening Venus trine Pluto (7:26 PM) is passionate about everything. No middle of the road here. Throw yourself into a favorite project or pass-time, otherwise there’s a tendency to obsess about the past.

Venus conjuncts Jupiter just before midnight tonight (11:54 PM). These two have been lining up for weeks. Tonight they make their closest alignment. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus has people taking a relaxed approach, determined to enjoy life and in the mood to splurge a little. This will be great for retail sales but hard on the pocket book if you’re on a budget. It’s a wonderful time to take a vacation, get married or be born. Almost anything initiated now should bring positive benefits. The only down side is that Venus/Jupiter can be so mellow that it’s hard to get going. Actually, the electrifying Mercury/Uranus conjunction that’s hovering in the background now can turn out to be a big positive because it helps motivate us. Get out and get the best from these extra-special alignments.

Wednesday 03/14 – More pieces of the grand trine are clicking into place today. Venus trines Mars (1:29 AM) so all is rosy on the home front and peace is declared in the battle between the sexes. Harmony reigns and romance blooms. It must be spring. Step outside. Can you hear the sudden chatter of birds? Better fill up that bird feeder, they’re back. Mars trine Jupiter (3:51 AM) abounds with abundant physical energy and indicates a good sense of timing, which is one of the major reasons that this is such a great time to start almost any kind of venture. Mars trine Pluto (6:32 PM) gives intensity, determination and drive, another motivating factor in this week’s line-up.

Thursday 03/15 – The Moon enters Capricorn at 4:24 AM. There’s a tendency for things to spin out of control today. So much energy has been expended; this week has been a little too much. Nerves are beginning to fray, especially around midday when the Moon squares Uranus (11:26 AM) and Mercury (2:53 PM). Be particularly aware of erratic drivers and unexpected road hazards. The mood is private and passionate tonight when the Moon conjuncts Pluto (9 PM) while keying off all those lovely trines. The Moon trines Mars at 8:18 PM, Jupiter at 9:59 PM and Venus at 1:11 AM.

Friday 03/16 – There are no major lunar aspects today so things feel relatively quiet though we’re still coasting on all the good vibes from earlier in the week.

Saturday 03/17 – OK, people are exhausted this morning. Try and sleep in if you can, otherwise take it slowly. Make no plans for the morning hours as the Moon squares Saturn (7:00AM) and its time to rest and recoup. Besides there may be big doings this evening, you need to replenish your strength for later.
The Moon enters Aquarius at 10:11 AM. A sense of anticipation and restless excitement wakes us up when the Moon keys into tomorrow’s Mercury/Uranus conjunction (Moon sextile Uranus at 5:45 PM and Mercury at 6:46 PM). There’s something fun to do. Get out and do it!

Sunday 03/18 – There are more surprises in store as Mercury makes its second conjunction to Uranus (11:24 AM). Many people will be contemplating major life changes now.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.