Astrologess Weekly Update Mar 19 – 25, 2012

By: Bill Whaley
19 March, 2012

By Catherine Kenward

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Monday 03/19 – The week starts on a businesslike note as the Moon heads toward a trine to no-nonsense Saturn (2:31 PM).
The Moon moves into Pisces at 6:05 PM. Tonight, it’s time for a well deserved rest and this evening’s Moon/Neptune conjunction (9:17 PM) makes it easy to relax. Spring officially begins at 11:15 PM when the Sun enters Aries. It’s the Spring Equinox.

Tuesday 03/20 – The morning gets off to a hectic start as the Moon opposes hot-tempered Mars (8:25 AM). After the initial rush, things calm down and fall effortlessly into place. The Moon sextiles Pluto (12:06 PM) and Jupiter (2:55 PM) and this turns out to be a lovely afternoon.

Wednesday 03/21 – The Sun conjuncts Mercury (1:22 PM) in fiery Aries. People are eager to speak their minds and can be quite ferocious about getting in their two-cents worth. If you’re looking for an argument, you can find it now.

Thursday 03/22 – The Moon enters Aries (3:57 AM) and things begin to really heat up. We now have four planets in Aries. This is not as big as the huge line-up that happened last spring but it’s definitely reminiscent. Expect news stories to echo last year’s headlines, forest fires, developments with current and past Arab uprisings and, especially, crazy weather events as warm and cold air-fronts collide. Beware of tornado prone areas now. The Moon is New in 2 degrees of Aries at 8:37 AM. This day is wildly unpredictable, like riding a bucking horse, and some people will get thrown. The midday hours are particularly accident prone. There’s a strong tendency to push your luck now, with potentially disastrous results. (Moon conjunct Uranus at 12:36 PM).

Friday 03/23 – Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces (7:22 AM).

Saturday 03/24 – It’s another tedious Saturday morning. A Moon/Saturn opposition (11:17 AM) just isn’t going to be fun no matter what you do, so you might as well knuckle down and do whatever it is that’s required. This afternoon, it’s time to turn our attention to having fun. The Sun conjuncts Uranus (12:21 PM), encouraging us to break away, let our hair down and try something new. Even a small excursion can turn into an adventure now.
The Moon moves into Taurus at 3:43 PM. This rather extraordinary day mellows out nicely around sunset when the Moon sextiles dreamy Neptune (7:28 PM). It’s a relaxing evening.

Sunday 03/25 – Today the Taurus Moon activates last week’s grand trine as it moves toward an auspicious conjunction with Jupiter (4:02 PM), after first trining Mars (4:13 AM) and Pluto (10:57 AM). Use this opportunity to make progress with a project that’s dear to your heart, although almost anything you chose to do today will be enjoyable. It’s a great day. The morning hours are energized by the Moon’s contacts to Mars and Pluto. The pace slows this afternoon as the Moon nears mellow Jupiter. Be sure to look for the Moon in the western sky just after sunset. This is a second chance to see the Crescent Moon line-up with that beautiful Venus/Jupiter conjunction that’s been adorning our evening skies this last month. This will be spectacular, so hopefully the weather will be clear.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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