Astrologess Weekly Update Apr 2 – 8, 2012

By: Contributor
2 April, 2012

By Catherine Kenward

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Monday 04/02 – It’s a cheerful day but there’s not a lot happening astrologically so things should be relatively quiet.

Tuesday 04/03 – The Moon enters Virgo at 7:53 AM. Venus enters sociable, talkative Gemini (9:18 AM). There’s not much motivation this morning. We’re already tuning into Thursday’s Venus/Neptune square, which has a rather ethereal quality to it. So dream pleasant dreams, relax and get creative. Fantasies are the seeds of tomorrow but don’t expect to get much done this morning (Moon square Neptune at 11:34 AM). This day finally gets into gear around mid afternoon when the Moon conjuncts energetic Mars (3:16 PM) and suddenly everyone is in overdrive, trying to make up for lost time.

Wednesday 04/04 – Mercury goes direct (4:11 AM) so delays that have been blocking communication since mid March finally begin to clear up.
People are in a great mood this morning, thanks to a trine between the Moon and Jupiter (7:35 AM). This is a good time to make contact or take action on just about any project.

Thursday 04/05 – The Moon enters Libra at 9:32 AM. It’s another lovely morning. The Moon trines Venus (12:41 PM) around noon and people are longing for a little human contact. Reach out to those that are dear to you. Have lunch with a friend or make time for a visit. Things get a little crazy around dinner time when the Moon opposes unpredictable Uranus (5:54 PM). People are rather spaced out due to tonight’s Venus/Neptune square, daydreaming and not paying attention to what they’re doing. There’ll be more rush hour fender-benders than usual. Venus square Neptune (7:51 PM) is a delightful aspect, imaginative and kind with a strongly mystical bent. Allow yourself some time to dream. The only note of caution is that people are particularly gullible and naïve now. Try to avoid nitpicky detail work and it’s probably not the best time to sign contracts or make other business arrangements, especially those based solely on good faith.

Friday 04/06 – It’s Good Friday and the Moon is Full in 17 degrees of Libra (1:19 PM).

Saturday 04/07 – The mood is subdued this morning due to an early morning Moon/Saturn conjunction (4:15 AM). Somber and sad, people wake up feeling rather depressed without knowing why. Maybe folks are just over-tired. Sleep late and avoid the blues. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 9:18 AM. This afternoon a tender mood translates the morning’s sadness into acts of kindness and devotion as the Moon trines compassionate Neptune (12:54 PM).

The energy level really picks up when the Moon sextiles vigorous Mars (3:31 PM). People are more efficient for having taken time to rest this morning.
Venus square Mars (5:37 PM) adds some sexual tension to the mix and there may be some dissension brewing. Another take on this is that there’s a gulf between what you get and what you want. Try to be grateful and appreciate the thought, even though the gift may not be right.

Sunday 04/08 – Happy Easter. It’s a very sweet Easter, the weather is beautiful and people are feeling devout and reverent, seeking solace in a higher power.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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