American President: “Up to No Good”

By: Bill Whaley
29 May, 2012

Democratic Fascism

I read the strangest story ever in The New York Times, titled, “Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will” (May 29, 2012). I also listened to the heart-wrenching voices of American war veterans, veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, who threw away their war medals at the NATO conference in Chicago on May 20.

When a constitutional lawyer ignores the cost of life and limb, principle and morality and turns from being a community organizer into the assassin-in-chief, you cannot help thinking America has sacrificed the rule of law for some misbegotten perversion of its mission. The endless numbers of innocent men, women, and children killed by Obama drones have turned a generation of Muslims into jihadists—making a generation of future Americans as unsafe as they are suffering from the recession because the poor must  pay off the debts of wealthy spendthrift bankers.

You can read the story at the New York Times web site. By reporting the news in understated prose, The New York Times presents Mr. Cool as if he’s making decisions about what tie to wear or how to position himself in response to Republican claims that he’s soft on terrorists. While targeting American citizens abroad with drones or citizens at home with wiretaps, President Obama diverts attention from the economy and the swindlers or bankers who remain untargeted and unprosecuted despite the fraud wrought on the American People.

No recent presidential candidate soared higher in terms of hope than Obama. And no president has dropped lower in practice. He presents his supporters with nothing but the bitter taste ashes.  Between a flip-flopping Republican and a disingenuous Democrat we have no real choices for President in November.

The elite governing class, a product of corporate power, is using the national security state as the engine of repression. They send out their bullyboys in blue to arrest protesters and the finance industry is turning generations into indentured servants due to debt. Now we all work to support the ruling class and their puppet.

Call it Terror and Abomination in the 21st Century. Here’s an excerpt from a section of the Times’ piece called  “The Use of Force”: they say Obama won the Nobel Prize for Peace.

“It is the strangest of bureaucratic rituals: Every week or so, more than 100 members of the government’s sprawling national security apparatus gather, by secure video teleconference, to pore over terrorist suspects’ biographies and recommend to the president who should be the next to die.

“This secret “nominations” process is an invention of the Obama administration, a grim debating society that vets the PowerPoint slides bearing the names, aliases and life stories of suspected members of Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen or its allies in Somalia’s Shabab militia.”

“The nominations go to the White House, where by his own insistence and guided by Mr. Brennan, Mr. Obama must approve any name.”

Here’s an excerpt from a NYT editorial (May 31,2012)

“The Times article points out, however, that the Defense Department is currently killing suspects in Yemen without knowing their names, using criteria that have never been made public. The administration is counting all military-age males killed by drone fire as combatants without knowing that for certain, assuming they are up to no good if they are in the area. That has allowed Mr. Brennan to claim an extraordinarily low civilian death rate that smells more of expediency than morality.”

President Obama’s Orwellian criteria for the term “terrorist” reminds us of  the Bush translation of “war criminal” into the word “enemy combatant” in order to avoid being charged for war crimes under the Geneva Accords. Obama has extended and intensified the Bush-Cheney notion of premeditated strikes associated with the 1% doctrine.

I used to think our Governors watched too much “24,” now I believe they must be watching their own version of “Mad Men” or maybe they are engaged in some video game contest. Large segments of the  traditional democratic base–labor, students, and anti-war partisans–will stay home in the November election. The sooner the country fails, the sooner we can start re-building.

King Barry represents the degenerate republic’s turn to democratic fascism: “Apres moi, le déluge.”