Bruja Butchie Denver Rides Up and Over Lama Mountain

By: Bill Whaley
2 July, 2012

“Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”–Macbeth

Las Brujas, Butchie, Fabi, Trudy, above

The Brujas, after participating in the reform of the democratic party of Taos and reinforcing the notion of planning and zoning as necessary for the protection of native and newcomer property owners at the County went their separate ways. Trudy elevated her game to the state level and continued to look out for Taosenos by lobbying for funds regarding water issues.

Butchie kept her eye on the ball at the County. She worked to support commissioners and local politicians who represented the historic local culture. She walked the walk, served on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Subdivision and Land Use Development Code task forces, and helped make the Taos Regional Water Plan a reality. She knew the folks in the outlying villages and in the Town of Taos and did a lot of work behind the scenes, explaining, cajoling, lobbying local politicos on behalf of the greater good of the community. Her activism, despite her acerbic personality is her real legacy. One might question her opinion from time to time or her manner but never her integrity or loyalty to the cause of community.

Butchie Denver (RIP) might be gone but who will forget that raspy voice, the cigarettes, the phone calls, and the incredible spirit? We shall celebrate twice, once at an informal gathering to be held at the Midtown Lounge (formerly Herb’s) in Arroyo Hondo from 5:30 pm to 8 pm on Friday, July 6; and again on Sunday at a more formal and public memorial, Sagebrush Convention Center, July 8, 2012 from 4 to 6 pm. For sure Butchie expects her Senator, and Commissioner (s) to attend and speak about the woman who never let them forget their duty. A P&Zer, subdivision and LUDC task force committee member, we listened to her rant and coo.

You weren’t friends with Butchie unless she yelled at you or refused to speak to you for weeks or months on end. She was easy to love but not always loveable, hard to like but very likeable. Rude as hell, she left us without saying goodbye. But we dearly miss the spirit of Butchie. Don’t take my word for it, come and tell Butchie stories.

From up in Lama, where she and Tony lived or down at the Questa post office or over at the County Commission Chambers, Butchie spread the word. She loved her boys and was queen of the political groupies. She trained from birth for the role in Beverly Hills but retired from the high life of rock’n roll to live not so quietly in northern New Mexico. But this Butchie, this dame was like some character out of a comic El Norte noir novel. Que Milagro Butchie, la Bruja!

Below are excerpts from a few of her early appearances when Butchie, Fabi, and Trudy stirred up a hornets nest at the county, a county full of wasps, where cries of outrage and gales of laughter followed each other as fast as the changes in the weather. While discussing the literary relationship between three local activists and the witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth with the pesky insect, Tony Trujillo named Fabi, Butchie and Trudy “Las Brujas.” Thereupon a legend was born.

(Horse Fly, Feb. 2000)


A grand jury investigation of the Taos County Commissioners is being circulated by those whom Tony “The Good” Trujillo calls “Las Brujas de Taos.” The petitioners seek an investigation of Rebecca “Lifetime” Parraz, Virgil “I feel Sorry for Taos County” Martinez, and Chairman Red “Roads” Martinez. Commissioner Martinez, according to news reports, referred to the Brujas, saying, “Instead of coming over here with gossip, they should come over here with solutions.” The conspirators include attorney David “the editor’s husband” Gomez. “Lifetime” Parraz has said in “The Taos News” that Gomez “gives her (Inez Russell, his wife, Taos News Editor) the information and she prints it.” Darn First Amendment. The three Brujas, Fabi “Radio” Romero, Butchie “The Mouth” Denver, and Trudy “The Tongue” Healy, are publicly seeking signatures on a petition to the court that requests an investigation of the commissioners for alleged “incompetency or gross negligence.” Why can’t these Brujas mind their own business?

(Horse Fly, March, 2000)

Uncle Manuel Lectures
Grand Jury Inquisitors:
Brujas or Curanderas?

Grand Jury Curanderas

On March 8, the three curanderas (formerly Las Brujas) appeared at the Eighth Judicial District Court with a petition signed by more than 1500 residents of Taos County. “Radio” Romero, Butchie “The Mouth” and Trudy The Tongue” may have already had a medicinal effect on commissioners. The three sit-com stars of local TV are obviously scrambling to reorder their priorities by attending to budget matters. The petitioner allege that “members of the Board of County Commissioners may be subject to removal for gross incompetency or gross negligence in discharging the duties of the office…failure to account for money…”

(Horse Fly, April 2000)

“Follow the Money”
“Slash” Burns Judge
Tom Jefferson in Taos

At every stage of these malfunctions, the three Brujas (“Radio Romero,” Butchie the Mouth,” and “Trudy the Tongue”), as well as several fired and/or harassed former County professionals, not to mention well-meaning elected officials, in addition to the rank and file, have pleaded for redress to Commissioners in the most humble terms. Yet repeated petitions for solution have been answered with repeated injury. Therefore it is time for the Grand Jury Inquisition to move forward unless, of course, commissioners acknowledge their failures, step down, turn over their powers to Gentle Jeanette, Lovely Lorraine, Aunt Julia, Uncle Manuel, Sheriff Charlie and the rest, who can wear the several hats necessary to rescue Taos County from a quagmire of red ink, black vibes, and continuous mud wrestling.

(Horse Fly, March, 2001)

Excerpts from Mr. Memo
Morrison Rehired
Trudy Unchained


Choose your political philosophy and your cheap epithet. Think of Hunter Thompson’s familiar phrase “Fear and Loathing” or call it a Nietzschean nightmare of “Eternal Recurrence” (see Bill Murray in “Ground Hog Day”). Finally comes someone singing “Don’t Cry For Me, Taos County.” Rumor stalks the land. So what gives?

When the March 8 meeting adjourned, Journal North correspondent and sometime County Public Information Officer Katherine Holzka, ace reporter Sara Ford, and KRZA reporter and bruja Fabi Romero stormed the horseshoe to ask for details of the above contract. Holzka got there first. Morrison said, “We have nothing to say until we finish the paperwork.” Fabi and Holzka then questioned Gabe. An exhausted Romero said, “No comment.”

At this point, bruja Trudy Valerio Healy said to Commissioner Martinez, “You’re gonna get a lawsuit, Virgil.” She may also have uttered unladylike epithets in an intimidating manner, according to Butchie Denver, the third bruja. Healy asked the commissioner from Cerro, “Why didn’t you listen to your constituents, Virgil?”

Virgil responded by saying, “Get that vulgar woman out of here. Don’t ever let her in here again.”

When Holzka asked Virgil for details about the contract, the commissioner was practically out the door. He said, “No comment. You people never quote me right anyway.”

Morrison then yelled at Holzka, saying, “Would you please leave him alone.”

Holzka responded to Morrison, the subject of her news stories (Albuquerque Journal) and the object of her Platonic pleasure, by yelling, “Virgil, come back, you have to sign these documents. Virgil come back.”

Commissioner Romero stood up and walked off the dais, saying, “I’m just going to go home and rest.”

Chair Parraz said, “We haven’t finished our county business.”

Mr. Morrison then headed outside into the parking lot, looking for Commissioner Martinez, who had already peeled out of the parking lot without signing the contract. Outside, Morrison walked passed Trudy Healy, Butchie Denver, and a local attorney, who were discussing the events of the evening.

Trudy to Morrison, “You’re gonna get a big surprise, Dale. I’ve had enough of you messing with people.” She may have phrased her words slightly differently or chosen a more pungent vocabulary. Trudy’s back was turned to Morrison, who, seeing no sign of Vanishing Virgil, suddenly reversed direction and, according to witnesses, barreled toward Trudy.

“Here he comes,” whispered the attorney.

Trudy turned around and confronted Morrison, a former FBI man softened by years of deskwork. Her deep brown eyes, prominent cheekbones, and dark brown face encapsulate her Cree heritage. Morrison pushed his stomach against Trudy’s chest, saying, “Crude women like you …” But he didn’t complete the sentence, according to Trudy, who reached way back into her ancestral past and slapped the solicitor with an open palm, rocking the gringo back on his heels.

“He came at me, making physical contact,” said Trudy.

“She whacked him,” said Butchie Denver. “His pens went flying and he stumbled back. He was hovering over her, threatening her.”

Morrison picked up his pens and retreated into commission headquarters. According to witnesses, when Morrison arrived inside with a splotchy red cheek, he announced that Trudy had slapped him. “It’s been a long time since a woman slapped me,” Morrison said.

“Why?” asked Sara Ford. Morrison mumbled something about obscenities.

Commissioner Parraz said, “She has no class.”

“No class at all,” said Morrison.

Holzka suggested Morrison file assault charges.

Morrison said, “I’d call the sheriff if we had a sheriff’s department.”

Holzka reminded Morrison that the incident occurred in the Town of Taos. “Call the police,” She said.

Morrison stepped into his office with Commissioner Parraz.

Holzka yelled, “Will you be available tonight?”

Morrison said, “Probably tomorrow,” and shut the door.

“Jeez,” said the former New Jerseyite.

Morrison, the pale-faced county manager, and Trudy Valerio Healy, the brown-faced daughter of former county commissioner Juan I. Valerio and descendant of Cree warrior ancestors, reportedly filed police reports with town cops about “The Brujaja at County Headquarters.”