New County Policy: “If it ain’t broke, break the sucker”

By: Bill Whaley
3 August, 2012

Recently, a commissioner said how happy he was, staying out of the headlines, moving in to the new complex, running a great big jail, Jake was doing a good job, etc. But things change.

Remember the “Saturday Night Massacre” was the term given by political commentators[1] to U.S. President Richard Nixon‘s executive dismissal of independent special prosecutorArchibald Cox, and the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus on October 20, 1973 during the Watergate scandal.[2][3][4] 

Those who believe in honor resign or get fired.

Now the community knows why commissioners fired Taos County Manager Jake Caldwell. According to Flavio, “he wouldn’t do their dirty work.” Apparently Interim Manager Barbara “Smitty” Martinez understood the will of the commissioners and showed them the way. On Friday, Aug. 3, County Detention Center Director William Cordova and his assistant, Mary Mylet, were summarily dismissed by Smitty Martinez. Capitalize on rumors of contraband and a fight inside the jail among the guards while Willie and Mary were off duty. Issue a letter filled with innuendo and make vague claims, then fire those suckers.

Ironically, Jake, Willie, and Mary, the progeny of local families, grew up in Taos, went away to university, obtained degrees and experience, then returned to contribute their knowledge and were fired for their trouble.

Isn’t that what Taosenos say they want: they want the kids to come back and contribute?

(Well, not your kids, mine. Commissioner Chavez’s double-dipping brother Rick still runs the road department. I’m not sure if Commissioner Jaramillo’s relatives still work for the housing authority.)

More victims are expected, shortly: Richard Sanchez, County maintenance chief, Eletha Trujillo, Fema coordinator, and Rick Bellis, assistant manger and planning director. The Stick ball game won’t end until new commissioners, Gabe the Good and Tom Blankenhorn, are sworn in on January 1, 2013 or maybe the new guys will fire the new old guys the old guys hire. (Try and keep up.)

Taos Friction doesn’t know if the “Taos Hug” played a role in the firing. According to sources, former jail director Cordova filed a third-party sexual harassment claim against Commissioner Jaramillo due to his alleged or perceived fraternization with Juvenile Detention Center director, Johnna Gonzales.

(This writer has seen portions of a video tape, purportedly and allegedly showing the Nitpicker giving Ms. Gonzales a friendly hug in the parking lot at the County Complex. Probably a gesture of gratitude for a job well done at the juvenile facility.)

In an April 11, 2011 Gallup Herald story (Investigation of JDC director finalized), “A photo of her [Ms. Gonzales] kissing former County Manager Tom Trujillo on the staircase of the County Courthouse was plastered on the front page of The Gallup Herald in January.” The story goes on to say, “Between September 2004 to April 2010 Gonzales received 13 pay raises, nearly doubling her pay during that period from $15.85 to $27.32 an hour. She had three promotions since being employed by the county more than a decade ago, and as her direct supervisor Trujillo reportedly recommended her pay raises to the Board of Commissioners for their vote of approval. Pay sheets indicate that she was promoted seven times, with the remaining raises listed as merit or cost of living increases.” The county manager “Trujillo was fired for his indiscretion by commissioners during a closed executive meeting.”

We hope commissioners don’t get  fired. Oh, Jake, Willie and Mary get fired. Hey, it’s El Norte, not Gallup. Fire the parties who stand in the way of favorites. The voters met Andrew Chavez’s challenge: they didn’t re-elect him, now he’s getting even.

County leakers have told Flavio that Commissioner Jaramillo or somebody, very close to him, wants Cordova’s job. Nonsense, we say. The Nitpicker just has high standards and hardly anyone measures up—except for Smitty Martinez, who really knows how to “hurt somebody” (as my football coach used to say). Smitty’s future prospects, however, look rather grim today, given her support of the two most–reputedly–unpopular politicos in Taos County.

Nick used to sit on the statewide risk management team and told me how Taos averaged 230% of normal in terms of getting sued—most lawsuits due to inadequate supervision at the old jail. No lawsuits have been filed against the county jail while under the aegis of Willie and Mary.

For veterans of the “Slash Morrison” years at the turn of the new century, we’re looking at a comparable commission. Gabe’s got to come on down and help fix things as he did then. For Gawd’ sake, Becky “Lifetime” Parraz, Pablito Red Trujillo, and Virgil “I feel sorry for Taos County” Martinez didn’t fire their own supporters and they were lots of fun (except for supporter Ambrose, whose record of two jail-related deaths was unfortunate).

Then,  a good time was had by all.  But as friends in Arroyo Hondo have always said, “You’ve got to watch out for the Beaver” (The latter is Nick’s longtime nickname.) Cry for us Taos County.

How embarrassing to admit that so many of us, including Arsenio Cordova, Luisa Mylet, Butchie and myself used to support Nick, lo’ these many years ago–‘cause we thought, given the opportunity, he’d rise to the occasion. But nobody is safe when a commissioner loses an election or his fellow commissioner is experiencing a mid-life crisis. But maybe there is another reason. Flavio says, “The County Commissioners want to steal the thundering headlines from the Coop.” Maybe Nick and Andrew are working with Luis? Eh? Could be.

If it ain’t broke, break it.



105 Albright St. – Suite A

Taos, NM 87571

Phone: (575) 737-6303  Fax (575) 737-6314






FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2012, 2PM –


Taos County Adult Detention Administrator, William Cordova, and Chief of Security for the Adult Detention Center, Mary Mylet, have been notified in a letter from Interim County Manager Barbara Martinez that their at-will employment with Taos County is terminated, effective today.

By Emergency Executive Order, to be presented for ratificaiton by the Taos County Commission on August 21, 2012, the Interim County Manager has appointed Taos County Sheriff Miguel Romero and Under-Sheriff Edwardo Romero as Co-Chiefs of Security for the Taos County Adult Detention Center.

Additionally, under the same Executive Order, Interim County Manager Barbara Martinez reclassified and promoted Adult Detention Sergeant Robert Romero to Adult Detention Lieutenant.  He will assist the Sheriff and Undersheriff in supervision of the staff at the Adult Detention Center.

A search by the Human Resources Department will begin immediately for an Adult Detention Administrator and Chief of Security.  It is expect that the positions will be filled in six to eight weeks.

Members of the news media needing further information may contact Taos County Public Information Officer/Deputy County Manager, Rick Bellis at, 575-737-6304 (office), or 5757-776-756 (cell).