The Taos Hug: Symbolic of the Times

By: Bill Whaley
20 August, 2012

We citizens live in tough times as governments, embarrassed by leaks and whistle blowers, clamp down on free speechers. Wikileaker Julian Assange has taken refuge with the Ecuadoreans in London, while trying to avoid the fate of whistleblower Bradley Manning, an American citizen, who has been tortured and held incommunicado by U.S. Security forces. According to attorneys and supporters, the U.S. of A. plans to turn the Australian Assange into sausage when they get a hold of him.


President Obama and Sec. of State Clinton deplore the Wikileaks, which show American forces killing innocents and reveal the dirty deals agreed to by the US of A with other dictatorial governments like Russia, who is also getting in on the act of suppressing dissent. According to a wire service, though “Russia’s top Orthodox clerics on Saturday asked for mercy for the punk band Pussy Riot for its antigovernment demonstration in a Moscow cathedral…the church’s forgiveness is unlikely to change the band’s punishment in a case that caused an international furor over political dissent.”

( See Michael Moore and Oliver Stone at:

Like Moscow, in Taos, we’ve got the equivalent of a “Pussy Riot.”


The Town of Taos v. Jeff Northrup, the local Sign Man, is an example of how all the powers of local government—the Mayor, the Mayor’s attorneys, and the Mayor’s judge—can be used to settle a political score at taxpayer’s expense. We say free Jeff, the only man in town who stands up against the corrupt practices at town hall. When will Councilor Silva keep his promise and resign, due to reports of his indecent conflict of interest–profiting unduly at the expense of his ethics?


“El Mitote” es verboten at Taos County. The Complex mayordomo prohibits employees, employees’ primos and primas, and et al relatives, and cuates from speaking to the press (or each other). Devastating county secrets made public about the “Taos Hug” caused an employee to receive a reprimand, based, allegedly, on a (false?) claim by the County mayordomo. Said Boss found fault and fired the dude “not” for allegedly talking to a blogster though we’re not sure who the blogster was not since he or she ain’t the editor of Taos Friction. Call this the case of  “the dude and the dudette.”


Still The Taos News published all kinds of indecent info, allusions, and innuendo about “somebody” at the Complex who was “rockin” but not “talkin” and hey, don’t go “knockin.” The new county complex, like the old one, leaks like a sieve when it comes to talkers. That’s what they do at the county…talk, talk, talk bad about each other and the press—and they record it like the Nixon White House. The cover-up and carnage at the Complex will continue until Gabriel “The Good” and Commissioner Tom Tom join their brethren at the County’s Complex of Good Deeds.


According to leakers, the new jailers are seeking a few good security guards to institute waterboarding so that Czar Nickolas can find out who leaked the info and video image about the Taos Hug. Oh, wait: The Taos News used the Public Records Act to get at the sacred documents. Say what?


Love it or leave it: it’s the World We live in. Give somebody a hug today.


KCE Coop News

The Taos Coop doings have become fodder for Albuquerque television. On Friday night New Mexico in Focus (PBS) commentators discussed the standoff between USDA-RUS and the PRC re: the coop’s mortgaging of assets on behalf of federal loan guarantees for broadband. The democratic and republican commentators all agreed that the Coop ought to spin off the Broadband project because it threatens the assets of the electric side. CEO Reyes and his rubber stamp board have misled the members about the facts and figures of the project. While contractors and friends and family members benefit, the members pick up the bill for elite Coopsters in Taos.


We’re against Romneyhood: Steal from the poor to give to the rich. Romney and Ryan, who represent the elites, want to take away your social security and medicare. The Feds want to take away your electricity and give you broadband. Silva and the Trustees just want a few contracts. Somebody at the County just wants a hug. Jeff just wants an honest judge. Darren wants Jeff behind bars. So it goes.







Subject: RE: RMYC is HIRING!!!


We have extended our close date and will be excepting  applications into next week.  This is the last opportunity for 18-25 year old men and women to apply for fall positions with Rocky Mountain Youth Corps.  Applications and position descriptions are on our website,  I have also attached a flyer that can be distributed far and wide!

Help us spread the word and talk it up at the grocery store, the post office, and while you out and about this weekend!!

Thanks for your support and feel free to contact me with any questions,

 Benjamin C. Thomas

Field Program Director

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

575.751.1420 x27