Sanchez Reveals Back Stage Doings at Town

By: Contributor
22 August, 2012

Below, Taos Friction posts the first of a four part series about Town of Taos government by former town Councilman Gene Sanchez. While much of the information is on the public record, some of the alleged thuggery might shock the reader. (Rated PG)

Part I

On Taos Town Government.

The following is a list of some of the happenings that took place with our town government while I was on the Town of Taos Council. Check the headings for subjects of interest.

The US Constitution

The Town of Taos Code-Enforcement Administrator never interfered with Jeff Northrup, the sign man, when he was protesting the high price of gasoline. Then Jeff displayed signs spaced over several hundred feet on both sides of the highway in front of the business he was protesting.

I was on the Town Council when the Mayor instructed the Planning and Zoning Director, and the Town Attorney to rewrite the sign code to put the sign man out of business. Step on the First Amendment as much as possible. Jeff was closing in on the Mayor’s activities. For now the sign man has been silenced, so that’s a temporary victory for the Mayor.

Mayor breaks law; Jeff gets the ticket

In 2010 the Council passed a resolution forbidding fireworks over the 4th of July, except for the annual Town of Taos Public fireworks display.

After the display many viewers exit through Camino de la Merced to Paseo del Pueblo Sur. Jeff Northrup was doing the same when he noticed children setting off fireworks in front of the Mayor’s DMC broadcasting building. He thought these children were in danger since the street was dark and filled with traffic. So, Jeff approached the Mayor’s party to alert them. Conduct that should have been appreciated was punished with a criminal trespassing charge, filed by the Mayor. Councilman Abeyta also physically and verbally abused Jeff.

Neither the Mayor nor his guests were cited for breaking the law, including child endangerment.

Kangaroo Court

In March of 2011 the Council Chamber was packed with representatives from both sides for the criminal trespassing trial for Jeff Northrup. The Town’s Assistant Attorney prosecuted the case before Judge Chavez. All the partygoers at the Mayor’s July 4th celebration testified unanimously that Northrup trespassed at around 8:30 P.M.

Jeff, however, swore under oath, that the altercation took place at 10:30 pm and not at the time that the Mayor’s witnesses swore to under oath. The E-911 tape will confirm that the police were called at 10:30 PM as per Jeff’s statement. Mr. Northrup stated his burro was afraid of fireworks so he stuffed the burro’s ears with socks and stayed with him during the entire event to help keep him comfortable. The burro is corralled on land owned by a friend who lives in Los Cordovas. That evening the owner had guests over to watch the fireworks display and the owners testified that Jeff was there until the show ended.

Judge Chavez found the sign man guilty. The appeal was held before Judge Paternoster, on August 9th and since the Mayor does not sign Paternoster’s check, the verdict may be different.

“It was a kangaroo court”, expressed some of the spectators. The Albuquerque Journal likened the trial to “Alice’s Restaurant”.

Vamos para afuera – “Let’s take it outside”

After Judge Chavez’s court, I approached Councilor Abeyta to impress on him the poor taste he demonstrated by referring to Jeff Northrup as a “fag.” Councilor Abeyta was already angry with me for reasons I can’t remember. We had a verbal altercation. The Mayor’s brother, Daniel physically restrained Councilman Abeyta and escorted him out of the building. He invited me out to the parking lot. It was definitely an invitation to fight but I declined. I didn’t want to hurt him; I was not raised to take advantage of the smaller man.

The Mayor concurred with me that Rudy was challenging me to a fight. However to protect his “yes man,” the Mayor changed his tune, to paraphrase “he just wanted to take the conversation outside”. Bull! I have proof of the truth and the truth is it was not for conversation.

(Signed) Gene Sanchez

Part II, Next Installment:  Valverde Commons, Town Council helps developers break the law